The man pointed towards the large building in a distance. Gon and Killua exchanged glances before nodding. The three of them left the battlefield and headed for the mansion.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Haizel exclaimed, dashing towards Gon who stiffened up as he tried to brace for a fight. However, Pakunoda's bullet grazed past Haizel's cheek, stopping her mid-run. 

"That's my line." Pakunoda smirked, gesturing for Gon to continue onwards. Gon pursed his lips and nodded, continuing his run. Nobunaga stopped a couple of yards in front of the mansion and chanted something. Then, a transparent veil of sorts engulfed them. 

"Let's go." Nobunaga led the way. 

From a distance, Con's eyes widened. "What? How did he—" 

You will never be able to come inside, Con. Not without my descendants.

Akira's words echoed in Con's mind. The blonde man laughed, finally understanding her words then. 

"I see...! Even until death, she wanted to take care of her little troupe of rescues. How heroic of you, Akira Shinikage." Con exclaimed, half-mad.

Feitan growled. "Don't say the Master's name so familiarly." Con barely managed to parry Feitan's blow as the dark-haired man went for his throat.

"Hah! We'll see about that, Feitan."

The battle ensued outside the mansion, with the ground shaking ever so slightly. As Gon stepped inside the mansion, a sudden wave of nausea hit him. It paralyzed him for a moment, as he had never even felt sea-sick before. Unfamiliar memories flooded his head like a migraine, almost similar to his experience with Aki before.

"Gon!" Killua called out to the dumb-stricken boy. 

"I..." Gon trailed off, looking disoriented. "I've been here before." 

Gon stared at the portrait of a woman who had a strong resemblance to Aki. As Killua stopped to look at it, he couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. Behind the woman was a man in his early twenties, with a clean-shaven face and deep-set eyes. He looked nothing like the man in Gon's picture of his father. And yet, there was no denying that it was Gon's father in that portrait. 

So, it was true after all. Gon is Aki's brother, Killua was sure of it. 

"Let's go." Killua grunted, bringing Gon out of his trance. Nobunaga's footsteps were receding, as the man reached further inside the mansion. Gon nodded, unsure, before following Killua in an attempt to catch up with Nobunaga.

As they passed several corridors and met up with Nobunaga, Gon couldn't help but wonder how Nobunaga knew the way around the area. There was no hesitation at all, with every turn and every crossroad.

"How do you know where to go?" Gon asked out loud. 

Nobunaga glanced at the boy from the corner of his eyes. Unpleasant memories flooded in the man's head as the question triggered the remaining embers of the past. 

"That's because I used to live here." Nobunaga answered with melancholy in his voice.

"Oh." Gon looked at the worn-down white plastered walls and tattered floor, trying to imagine what it was like before.

"We're here." Nobunaga announced, stopping before a picture of a red flower. It stood out in a room full of gray schemes. 

"Rafflesia." Gon read the inscription, before he even had the mind to process what he just said. A tremor passed through the walls of the mansion, quite different from the earthquakes earlier. Then, a thin line framed the hanging picture and traveled through the floor. The ground opened up, as if to swallow them. However, Killlua and Gon were quick enough to jump out of harm.

Nobunaga, who was standing behind them, looked at Gon in puzzlement. First, that brat was able to read the ancient Shinikage scriptures, and now, the way Gon read the inscription so naturally—almost as if he had already seen it before.

The man gasped silently in realization. But before he could confront the boy about it, a thin figure jumped out from the pit that opened up before them.

"Aki!!" Gon exclaimed, relief clear in his voice. The boy jumped towards Aki and immediately engulfed her in a hug.

"There's no time!!" Aki yelled, with dirt clinging on the top of her nose. "Run!"

Gon and Killua didn't need to be told twice. They ran like wild geese, and just as they stepped away from the pit, the ground shook once more.

"What's happening?!" Nobunaga asked, watching as the walls of the mansion began to show tiny cracks from absorbing the continuous vibrations.

"I don't know!!" Aki replied.

"Are you okay?!" Gon asked, running after Aki.

"I think I am!"

Killua bit his lip, half-relieved to see Aki. But a part of him dreaded whatever it was that they had gotten themselves into. Really, now that he knew for sure that Gon and Aki were siblings, he couldn't help but feel stupid. How could he not have realized it sooner? Although the two are like the moon and the sun in terms of personality, the siblings did tend to attract trouble.

But before Killua could give it deeper thought, the ground beneath him cracked open. For a moment, he lost his footing. No big deal. Killua knew he could easily regain his balance and catch up to Gon and the others. However, in one swift moment, he was off his feet.

"Eh?" Killua had to process it for a few seconds before he realized that Aki had took him by the waist and carried him on her back. 

"Wouldn't want you to injure yourself, silly." Aki lightly bantered, making Killua flush red in embarrassment. 

"I—Idiot!! Put me down!" Killua demanded.

"Not now, Kil." Aki replied, looking dead serious. For some reason, hearing that nickname that he hated so much from Aki made Killua feel conflicted.

"This is not the time for flirting, guys." Gon sheepishly said.

"Aki—!!" Nobunaga sobbed, still believing that Aki was a 'guy'.

"Ack!!" Killua's whole body turned red in embarrassment. He covered his face with his palms, unable to come up with anything else to say. As soon as they made it out the mansion, the building collapsed in itself, burying everything else inside.

"I see you made it."

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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