Inked the words away

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"Thanks for bringing me then" She indulged in his rambling, enjoying how his talking drowned out anything else.

"It's ok." He smiled. "Though, if you keep skipping meals and sleeping at weird times, you'll lose your sparkle, and then you won't be as pretty. I talked to the guys earlier, and we've been thinking..."

He grinned and moved on like he didn't say something so strange.

Did that mean he thought she was pretty? (y/n) She had always thought that her bone structure was nice, and her skin had always been clear. Everyone used to say she looked like her mother, and as far as she remembered, she was beautiful. Yet hearing it from someone else in a passing comment, full of blind confidence, was different. It made her insides go all mushy while she thought about it.

How odd that her brain had decided to hyper-focus on it when it wasn't the time for such thoughts. (y/n) shook the thought and tried to pay attention to what Jin was saying.

However, Seokjin Had stopped talking; she didn't know for how long, but he was looking expectingly at her, waiting for an answer. Embarrassed, she just nodded. The night blade smiled at the girl as he took the empty bowl away. 

The next thing (y/n) knew, Seokjin had dragged her through the camp into the now-empty mess tent. The only people left were the staff wiping down the tables and a small group huddled sat on the benches chuckling to themselves.

The nightblade had grasped her wrist in a gentle hold and began leading her toward the men dressed smartly in uniforms, all their long hair scrapped back and neat. Their hushed talking went quiet as she approached, but before she could get self-conscious, the boys smiled and made space around the table.

She sat on the edge, ready to just watch, Hoseok was to her left, and Jungkook was just across from her. Seokin pushed himself into the small gap between the youngest and yoongi, who had begrudgingly moved up.

The eldest took o time to wait about as he pulled out (y/n) book from under her arm, (y/n) didn't even notice him taking the book from her tent. He slammed it down with equal parts excitement and aggression. It made a loud noise that echoed. She visibly flinched, not expecting the bang. Hoseok, who just happened to be looking in her direction, leaned over, subtle as possible, and asked if she was ok. (y/n) nodded and blamed it on just waking up.

Turns out, the four boys had decided they wanted to help the best way they could, meaning they would work out the battle plan. In their heads, if they could get it sorted out in a single night, they could share it with Akira and the general before the afternoon. If soldiers had to be moved, they could get it done before the enemy made their first move. After all, it was why they had come to the camp.

That was one strange thing about this war (y/n) thought. Both sides seemed to be waiting for something to happen to set the fire ablaze. Both sides were just watching the other over the river. It was a Mexican standoff between two armies, each waiting for an unknown catalyst to begin the slaughter.

Hoseok made the first move; he pulled the book toward him and began to read, revising up on anything he had missed. He had spent most of his day with his old friend catching up on lost him.

The reading took a long time to do - longer than he thought it would. He had to go over every little detail before thoroughly explaining to the three men. It wasn't hard to do. The book he read from was filled to the brim with information. Such as what way the archer would face to a degree of accuracy and where every soldier would stand. He had the whole room resting on every word his tongue spoke. Even the kitchen staff had begun listening in.

Then they began brainstorming.

Just like she planned, (y/n) watched, her mind was still tired, and it felt nice just to listen in and absorb their words. Most of them seemed so fired up, scribbling away on scrapped paper. Only Yoongi seemed more reserved, not at the idea of helping but at the who war itself. He would make an odd comment about how pointless this was before suggesting a concept far more significant than she could come up with.

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