33|Ultimate Move Training

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After I made my way to the locker rooms, I made sure to wait for everyone to leave after getting their uniforms on since I know they all would rather not see me right now after I dropped the mother of all bombs onto them. It hasn't even been twenty minutes since I told them about my past and I already regret telling them. There's nothing I can do now that they know the truth about me. Aizawa sensei was right, they'd eventually find out the truth about me some day so telling them on my own terms at the very least softened the blow, only a tiny bit though.

As I think that to myself, almost as if they planned to everyone comes out of the boys and girls locker rooms dressed in their uniforms and like I thought they would be they're completely silent. They all look my way for a moment and then turn away from me as they head to the gym. I quickly make my way into the locker room and put my uniform on and follow behind everyone quietly as we enter... a very barren gym where all of our teachers are standing and waiting for us.

"Today you all will begin working on your own ultimate moves. This is something that will be very important for your careers as heroes." Ultimate moves? Does he mean those moves heroes pull off when they fight a bad guy and beat them? I've already got a couple of those technically... Do I just not work on those or what? "Ultimate moves! These are your finishers. Your most unique techniques!" Ectoplasm sensei says. "Internalize these moves. Make them your own until they become unparalleled. Combat is all about finding and making use of your particular strengths!" Cementoss sensei continues Ectoplasm sensei's words. "Your moves symbolize who you are! Nowadays, pro heroes without ultimate moves are a dying breed!" Midnight sensei then continues the last twos words.

"You shall be discovering your very own special moves in the Training Kitchen Lab, or the TKL for short!" Cementoss sensei says. What an uncool name. "This facility was my idea. Here, I cook up the perfect terrain and objects to fit each students needs. Hence 'kitchen.' " I guess that makes sense?

Iida then raises his hand. "May I ask a question?" Iida asks. "Why must we create ultimate moves in order to acquire our provisional licenses? Please explain the intention behind such a requirement." Iida asks Aizawa sensei in a weirdly calm tone that I didn't expect from him, also what's up with the provisional licenses? I was too tired to really take in what the teachers were talking about before I was kinda forced to air out my past. "All in due time." Aizawa tells Iida. "Heroes deal with accidents, catastrophes, and disasters both natural and man made. It's our job to save people from just about any situation imaginable. In the licensing test, your ability to adapt in those situations will be observed, naturally." Aizawa sensei explains as Midnighr sensei begins to speak.

"Intelligence gathering, decision making, mobility, combat prowess, as well as communication skills. Charisma. Leadership abilities. The test contents vary from year to year, but applicants are always tested on a variety of criteria. Among the criteria you can be sure that combat prowess will be heavily prioritized for potential heroes. Be prepared, and have nothing to fear! These moves could have a big impact on whether or not you pass." Just thinking about this test is already making me feel worried, I wonder what would happen to me if I were to fail?

"If you can keep a cool head and act with decisive, stable moves, that means you have a high level of combat prowess." Cementoss sensei explains. Using Cursed Energy is all about keeping you and your emotions in check at the right moments so it doesn't get disrupted, and I've been able to use a couple of moves using it... does that mean I'm already at a high level of combat prowess? What a weird thing to think about...

"There's nothing that says your ultimate moves must be an attack. For example take Iida's Reciproburst." Iida suddenly jolts straight at the mention of his move. "That sort of extreme speed boost on its own is intimidating enough to be called an ultimate move." Ectoplasm sensei finishes explaining which- Woah is Iida tingling right now? Guess the feeling of being complimented by your teacher outweighs the feeling of finding out one of your friends is a murderer.

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