7|Itadori's Awakening

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A gruesome scene was laid out in front of Itadori all he could see was body after body some were people he knew in his dimension while others were his friends in this new dimension. Itadori tried to look away but no matter where he turned he saw different bodies he tried to cover his eyes but then he noticed he had blood on his hands and all over his body. He was mortified but then he heard the sound of footsteps coming towards him he looked towards the sound just to see...

"Mahito....." "My my Itadori! It's so good to see you again! Who would've thought we would reunite after my death! Seems like you couldn't protect your friends once again! Why don't you fulfill your promise to me and try to kill me again since you didn't get your chance before and you said if I came back you would kill me?" Itadori stood up now staring daggers at Mahito he had a hand in this he had to! So Itadori decided to fulfill his promise to him and then ran at Mahito while screaming.

" "My my Itadori! It's so good to see you again! Who would've thought we would reunite after my death! Seems like you couldn't protect your friends once again! Why don't you fulfill your promise to me and try to kill me again since you didn't get ...

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Yuji shot up in his hospital bed and began to cough violently like he had just smoked a cigarette for the first time. He looked around to see where he was just to see he was in... a hospital? How the hell did he get here? Itadori looked at his arms and saw he had tubes in both of them and a long one in his nose. Now feeling very uncomfortable he pulled them all out slightly gagging when he pulled out the one in his nose. He saw there were gifts all around his bed from his classmates which helped ease his fears that some of them might've died while he was passed out he saw that the hospital was charging his phone near his bed as well so he unplugged it and decided to check the date.

It's been two days since the USJ incident had occurred and the time was currently 12:35 in the morning not really caring about the time he wanted to talk to somebody after his nightmare so he called his closest friend who picked up after three calls. "ITADORI?!" Kirishima yelled out not caring if he woke up his parents who the hell would care about that when their comatose friend was awake! "H-Hey Kirishima did I wake you up? Sorry about that I needed to talk to somebody since I just woke up from a nightmare. A BAD one but I'm happy to hear your voice man....are you crying?" Itadori asked while he became confused by the sounds he heard on the other side of the phone.

"DAMN RIGHT I AM!!!" Kirishima yelled out in tears "MY BUDDYS AWAKE AFTER FALLING INTO A COMA!! I COULD CRY A RIVER RIGHT NOW!!! WE GOTTA CALL EVERYONE AND TELL THEM THE GOOD NEWS!!!" Kirishima was jumping on his bed like a child but the overwhelming energy made Itadori smile and forget about his nightmare. "We should probably hold up on telling everybody right now since it's so late plus I feel like if we called Bakugo right now he'd put me right back into my coma." Itadori says that last part with a small chuckle.

"Yeah you're probably right....wait a minute how are you holding your phone?" "What do you mean how am I holding it? I'm holding it with my left hand?" Itadori was now extremely confused by the question why does it matter how he was holding his phone? "....WHAT?! THAT SHOULDN'T BE POSSIBLE MAN RECOVERY GIRL SAID THAT YOUR LEFT ARM WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO MOVE ANYMORE!! WHAT ABOUT YOUR RIGHT ARM HOW DOES IT FEEL?! SHE SAID THAT ONE WOULD NEED THERAPY!" Kirishima was confused as well no way Recovery Girl could make a mistake and be wrong about Yuji's arms right? But then how was he using them like it was nothing especially when it's only been two days since the incident!

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