21|The Truth About Itadori

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"W-What did you say?" I ask Midoriya making sure I heard him right. "We were all wondering how you were not only able to divert where Todoroki's fire was going but how you were also able to make your own fire and shape it into an arrow." Midoriya clarifies.

I should've expected that they would ask me about this! Man it's harder to explain something when your asked about it rather than just bringing it up yourself and explaining! But now's the best time to tell them this! I can't just tell them about cursed energy and Gojo sensei teaching me it cause I might flub some stuff and they could poke holes in my story so I've gotta tell them all the whole truth..... Eeeeven if they might think I'm crazy for saying this.

"*Sigh* Before I explain that do you guys have like any scheduled check ups that might have doctors or nurses pop in here? I don't wanna be interrupted and mess some parts of the story up or have one of you leave the room for a while." I ask as I let the three sit there and think about my question. "None that I can think of." "My leg has already been checked out today so it's fine." "There is a chance a doctor might come in here in about an hour to check on my arm." They all answer as I nod to Todoroki's answer.

"An hour? Errrrrrr I think that might be enough time to explain though I'd probably have to leave so my doctor doesn't get mad at me for leaving my bed already. Don't want him to rip off my nose for real this time." They all look at me with a confused face. "Don't ask." They shrug their shoulders in acceptance.

I let out a sigh as I begin to walk around the closed door trying to think of how I start this. Do I start with the fact I'm from a different dimension? Or do I start off with everything I've lied about? Uggggh why is telling the truth so hard?!

"Ok so ummm before I start telling you guys the truth I just wanna say this now. What I'm about to say to you will sound crazy like it'll probably be the craziest thing you will ever hear in your life... but everything I'm about to tell you is true. 100% true." They look a bit confused now which makes sense because how else would someone react to somebody saying that? Ugh this is gonna suck I can already tell.

"Soooooo lets start off with the fact that I'm not exactly from around here..." "What do you mean by here? Do you mean Hosu?" Iida asks as he tilts his head. "No I mean like... not from this universe?" They stare at me with wide eyes as I finish the sentence which is too be honest is kinda funny especially from Todoroki who's never shown off that much emotion in his face before.

"WHAT?!" Ach! Yeah I shouldn't have started with that... oh well I made this bed so it's time for me to lay in it. "Ok ok ok! I know that sounds CRAZY but let's actually go to before I got to this universe. When I was just a regular student. No powers. No craziness. No nothing." I continue telling them my story starting from when Coach Takagi nearly got the Occult Club disbanded to when I was transported here by Hana. Though I did leave out the parts that could definitely make them hate me like when I killed one of Choso's brothers that was basically a human and everything Sukuna did at Shibuya. I know they might try to say it wasn't my fault but they're wrong it is my fault.

Thankfully the three of them didn't interrupt me after I started telling my entire story to them. They just sat in silence and most likely disbelief at the fact their close friend has not only been lying to them about a lot of stuff but is also from an entirely different dimension where quirks don't exist but instead there's something called Cursed Energy and Curses that are made from the negative emotions of people that you can only see if you have Cursed Energy.

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