13|The Beginning Of The Tournament

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Shigaraki's POV

"DAMMIT! That scar faced brat keeps winning! Why won't he just lose and let me forget about him!" I yell out while watching this ridiculous festival. I can't get him or that green haired brat out of my head! That damn green kid was able to pull of a huge attack like that and stop all the idiots I hired in the ocean zone and then THAT scar faced bastard almost killed my Nomu! How dare he!

"Calm down Tomura. This boy is quite interesting to say the least. To be able to fight the doctors Nomu like that and nearly win is very impressive. The boy must have a very powerful quirk to do that. I do wonder what I could do with it. Knowing a child has that power makes me wonder if they've even unlocked the full potential of it or not."

Master is always talking about quirks and what he could do with them but he never understands my rage. He never understands why I want to destroy those two. "Masters right Tomura. If he gets that boys quirk there's a chance he could become even stronger than he was when he first fought All Might." Ugh of course Kurogiri would be on his side.

"Whatever." I turn back to the TV and watch the rest of this "festival"

Itadori's POV

Me and Ojiro make our way to Midoriya so we can warn him about Shinso's quirk. Of course it would probably count as cheating but if he doesn't know then Midoriya would lose instantly so we're just making the playing field a lot more even. "Midoriya! Over here!" He turns our way and looks confused on why we're both talking to him.

"Is there someone wrong you guys? I have to get to the waiting room." Midoriya sounds a bit worried, it's probably because he's about to fight someone in front of the entire world basically. "Me and Itadori came here to tell you about Shinso's quirk. You see during the Calvary Battle when I was looking for teammates he randomly talked to me but when I replied to him it's like my brain was switched off but I could still see everything happening. He did that to two others but for some reason it didn't work on Itadori. I tried to ask him why it didn't work and he doesn't know either. So remember this Midoriya." Ojiro paused which I think is my cue to say something.

"Don't talk to Shinso during the match like at all. No matter what he says just stay quiet. Cause if you do then it's game over. Got it?" He shakes his head in agreement and thanks the both of us for the warning as he makes his way to the waiting room. "Think he'll actually listen to us?" I ask Ojiro who seems pretty worried. "I...don't know. We'll just have to watch his match.

We both get to the stands and sit down as we watch watch this match. "Hey Itadori who do you think'll win? I think Deku has this in the bag!" Uraraka pumps her fist into the air. "I agree with Uraraka I believe Midoriya can win this especially because of his very powerful quirk! Though he must be cautious since he doesn't know Shinso's quirk!" Iida tells me. "Oh no he knows Shinso's quirk. Me and Ojiro told him about his quirk and how it works." This shocks the two of them.

"How do you know how his quirk works? I don't remember seeing him use it during the Calvary Battle or the race?" Iida asks me. "Yeah Yeah what Iida said!" Before I say anything I hear a familiar voice right behind my seat. "I would also like to know how you were able to learn about his quirk Itadori."

"EEP!" DAMMIT MOMO SCARED MEEEEE! Now she and the others are laughing at meeee.. "I didn't know your voice could get so high bro!" This is exactly the reason why I can't watch horror movies! Jump scares get me so damn bad! "HAHAHAHAHA! YOU DAMN SCAREDY CAT!" Now Bakugo's joining in....

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