Chapter 50. Her Move.

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There was no arguing with Eric.  "The stroller is downstairs.  There is no need to bring it up."

"Ok ready , let's go,"  Eric said as he carried EJ down the stairs.  Tanya followed closely behind. 

Edie looked up as Tanya and Eric entered the merchandising area of the store.  She still had a frown on her face.  Eric could not remember the last time he saw  the woman without a frown.  She use to be a beautiful woman, but with her face always in a frown, it made her look ugly.  He wondered if she walked around with a permanent  screw on her face or if it was just the sight of him.  

"Mom I am running out for a bit to grab lunch.  I should be back in an hour or so." 

Edie nodded and turned her back.  Tanya sighed and shook her head.  "You and Mom will be the death of me." Tanya told Eric and hurried from the store.  

"Is she on board yet on the construction project?" he asked. 

"Yes she is.  We will break ground  as planned right after the new year. This is mine now not hers." Tanya added.

Eric drove to a seaside lunch bar.  As they ate Tanya looked over at Eric with EJ on his lap.

"So how was your trip?" 

"I missed you," he said.

Tanya smiled.  "Just me? Not your children?" 

Eric smiled back at her.  "Of course I miss them, cant you tell.  I  refuse to put my boy down.  But I will show you later how much I miss you." He winked.

"Babe you have a birthday coming up.  What do you want to do?" Tanya asked.  

"You know that I am not into celebrating my birthday.  Please dont plan on giving me a party." 

"I was thinking a get away ... just the two of us."

Eric looked at her.  'Is this for real? I  must have died and gone to heaven.'  He hoped that he was not dreaming. 

He looked at her for what seem minutes.  Tanya wondered why the hesitation.  They had only been away together  one time when he took her to Mexico for her graduation.  "We dont have to go away if you dont want to." Tanya said.

Eric smiled and bit under his bottom lip.  "I would love nothing more than to have you all to myself baby, but what about him?" he said meaning EJ who was busy knawing on a chicken bone.

"I dont think we should go too far and we will make the trip short this time ... two or three days the max." 

He reached across the table and touched her hand.  "I would love that."

"Good then I will make the plans."

"Spending two or three secluded days and nights with me.  You ready for another baby?" he teased.

Tanya laughed.  "No more baby ... not yet." 

Eric looked at her with raised brows.  "Eric remember the agreement we made years ago? We agreed that  planning our family would be my job?"  Tanya recalled the abortion Eric made her have early in their marriage.  They had agreed after, that he would never interfere again and she would be the one to decide on what happen with her body. 

"I don't recall that." 

"Well we dicided together that it was my body and therefore my decision when and if we have more children.  I dont want you to worry about getting me pregnant.  I got this.  Ok?" 

That did not sit well with Eric. Having kids should be a joint decision, but damn if he would argue with her about that.

Eric looked at her in amazement.  The transformation in her was astounding.  She had transformed from a girl into a woman right before his eyes.  'When did this happen? Maybe I should thank Edie.' 

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