Part 47: Game over??

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My fingers were bitten clean off as it bit down.
My adrenaline was so high I had to keep fighting, I couldn't just give up. That's not me.

This Z was either particularly strong or I was weak in this moment, I used every last ounce of strength in my body to push this thing off of me, but I couldn't.

I looked around me on the grass, praying for a near by rock, brick, branch, anything that I could use to bash its skull. Nothing.

Everything felt as if it happened in slow motion, the Z's teeth snapping in my face, the growling was louder and scarier than usual, my tears were warm but the weather was chilly.

I gave one last attempt in saving myself from this brutal, weak death.
I screamed, "HELP! PLEASE!!"
I knew the risk would be the attraction of more but I prayed, someone, anyone would hear me.


One single gunshot rang out, so close to my face my ears rang, the zombie fell onto me. I didn't even have the strength to push it off.
Soon the weight was lifted off of me.

I was pulled up to my feet but immediately fell back down to my knees. I buried my face in the grass and cried, this was the end for me.

I heard my name being called by a feminine voice, shaking me.

I looked up to see warrens face, the voice was quiet and I could barley make out what she said next with my ears still trying to adjust.

I stared at her eyes, they traveled down to my bloodied hand, fingers missing, she asked me.

"Did you get bit?"

My eyes went down to my hand too, the rest of the group was surrounding me too. I looked at them one by one, Warren, Doc, Garnett, Murphy...
No Thomas, Ten thousand, whatever.

"Y/n. I know this isn't what you want to hear but there might be an option..."

I sighed a deep breath, I knew what she meant.
If I wanted to survive this, I'd have to allow Murphy to, do his thing.

I didn't have much time, and I was disgusted by the thought of becoming the same thing Cassandra was.

"No..." I spoke quietly,
so quietly Warren asked what I said,

"I said no, I'm not doing that."
I stood up slowly, pushing myself off the ground.

"But, Y/n..." doc tried to plead,

"I CAN'T!" I yelled, sighing after noticing my tone,
"I won't, I'm sorry, I fucked up, I was stupid..."

I paused,

"But I'm not stupid enough to have thought I'd be here forever."

Troubled love~ 10k x reader ZnationOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz