Part 31: The murphy

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He raised his weapon, pointing it at her head.
We all jumped off our horses.

"Woah! Woah! Wait!" Doc intervened.
Jumping in front of the weapon.

"Why should I?" He questioned.
Not a hint of forgiveness ready in his voice.

"Have you heard of the Murphy?" I asked.
Tilting my head slightly for the dramatic effect.

"No." They shut down the idea immediately.

"Well you're about to. Murphy tell them."

He groaned in response, "Do I have to?"

"If you want to keep all your limbs, yes."

"Fine." Without a word he lifts his shirt, revealing all of his bites.

"What the hell?!"

"He's the only person ever to survive a Z bite, and if there's hope for him, then, I can't believe I'm saying this but there's a way we can keep her alive."


"With a bite from him."
I motioned my hand in his direction.

"Go on then, prove it."

"Give a man some privacy, will ya?"
Murphy complained.

We all went into the woods, leaving them two behind. Which we would soon learn was a really idiotic idea.

We were waiting about ten whole minutes before anything was said, and it was not from Murphy.

"This better not be a trick."

"It's not."

We all went back to the horses we left. They were all still there, all but one.

One horse missing, two people.

"Fuck." I slapped my forehead.

"Where'd he go?" Mack asked.

"He couldn't have gone far with a sick girl."
The sister exclaimed.

"You'd be surprised what that bastard can do."

"Well, we have to find him." Warren spoke.

"No, we have to get away from the herd."

She immediately gave me a look.
One that said 'seriously' with all the sass.

"Sorry, you're the leader here."
I turned around to roll my eyes. Just so nobody besides myself would have known.

"Perhaps we should part ways."
The woman suggested.

"No!" The brother protested.
"They're coming with us, and if not, they're on foot. These are our horses."

I'm getting really fucking sick of this.
Why can't we just get to California already?
And why did I of all people get dragged into it?

"You still don't wanna leave?" I whispered to 10k.

He shook his head. Pfft. Loyal fuckface.
But I love him all the same. Unfortunately.

"Hospital first, then we part ways and ride out the storm." Warren announced.


Troubled love~ 10k x reader ZnationWhere stories live. Discover now