Part 23: accidents happen

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Just when we thought things were starting to look better for us,

The roof of the car dented,


"What was that!?" I try to keep my composure, not driving the car off the road,

The unknown subject in question jumped of the roof onto the hood, staring into the car,

I cannot see, the car slightly swerved as I try to slam the breaks in hope of getting it off,

"10k DO SOMETHING!" I yell,

Just then the big ass mutant Z smashed the windshield and grabbed my throat,

I had completely lost control of the vehicle as the car went straight into a tree,

Impact was hard,

The z was gone,

I look over to 10k in the passenger seat,

"10k! Are you okay?!" I worry, "god I'm so sorry!"

"I'm fine, hurry and let's get out of here before that thing comes back."

I nod quickly,

I try to move but the front of the car had been pushed in from the crash, folding in from the front causing my leg to become trapped between the wheel and the dash,

My leg was in just as bad shape if not worse than the car, I couldn't feel it.

Luckily 10k could hop out,

"Y/n!? Come on!"

"I can't, there's something wrong with my leg, I think it's broken."

"You think?!"

"I can't feel it, 10k I'm stuck damnit." I cry,

"Okay, don't worry, it's okay."

It in fact was not okay.


"I can try to pull you out like this but it's gonna hurt."

"Just do it, hurry." I cry,

He grabs me from under each arm and pulls,

I scream in pain and he immediately stops,

Tears fall from my eyes, "keep going, JUST DO IT!"

One more quick pull and I'm out, I won't be able to walk on my own,

"10k, you gotta go."

"No way!"

"I can't walk damnit! I'm just gonna slow you down."

"I'm not leaving you y/n, I love you."

"Please, don't do this, if you stay here, you'll die with me."

He gets down on his knees, down to my level,

He kisses me, it was short and passionate but still sweet.

"I'll figure something out."

Troubled love~ 10k x reader ZnationWhere stories live. Discover now