Part 26: driven

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A/n, this is not following the show exactly. I watched z nation last year so no I don't remember what happened exactly. Enjoy!

*Time skip*

We've driven for days, as long as the gas held out.
Now all that we were left with was nothing but woods. Great. Just what we wanted in the middle of the apocalypse.

Cassandra started to get sick and it wasn't slowing down anytime soon.

As soon as we got out she was leaning on 10k.
It pushed my buttons all the more.
I already hated her guts, more than that I'd like to see them splattered on the pavement.

"Let's walk through the woods like a bunch of idiots yay!" I spoke sarcastically, slightly angry.

"Lighten up kid, it could be worse." Doc cheered,

"Yeah, You're right. My dog could be dead,
oh wait- He is!" I laughed. Not happily.
Only to prove my point.

"You don't know tha~"

I cut him off with a harsh tone, running ahead,
"Yes I do. Don't tell me what I don't know!"
I felt like the biggest jerk in the world but I'm not over duke, the not knowing is what killed me inside. I never saw him go down, he could be alive.

Suddenly men popped out of nowhere, surrounding me. They pushed the rest of the group into a huddled circle. The were another ethnicity, I didn't know is exactly what, maybe something native.

"Why are you here!?"

"Where did you come from?"

"Who are you with?"

They questioned all at once.

"Hey!" A woman yelled.
"I apologize for my brother, come with me."

"They have the white mans disease!"
"And now, we'll all die!"

"Quiet brother!" She hushed him.
"Let him speak."

10k nodded, "There's a herd headed your way."

"How do we know you didn't lead them here?"
He asked angrily.

"Nobody controls those things." I spoke,

"Eh hem." Murphy coughed.

"Shut up."  Me and warren spoke at the same time.

She believed us, the others didn't.
Next thing I knew I saw them run at us,
I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head,
And I was out cold, down for the count.

I was the first one to open my eyes,
I saw 10k hung upside down by his feet and Doc trapped in some type of hunting net trap.
I was tied to a tree, hands behind and everything.

Troubled love~ 10k x reader ZnationDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora