Part 5: a new friend

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Your POV

Im standing in the corner of the living room area, watching Cassandra closely until,

"alright, everyone start getting up!" Warren yells,

Warren looks at me, then 10k, "I see you two are already up.." she looks at my face,

"did something happen?" Warren asks me,

when I don't respond she looks at 10k,

he doesn't respond either,

"nope." I respond and walk out the door,

10k follows me, "Y/n!" I slam the door on him, Cassandra wakes up confused,

Warren looks confused as well,

"did you do something to the girl 10k?" Warren questions him,

"No, I don't know what's going on with her." He replied quickly and walked out the door,

I started running and I knew 10k was following,

I came to a stop and waited for a moment,

"y/n?! What the hell are you doing?!" 10k shouts, he slams into me, I grab his shoulder,

"Shut up." I cover his mouth and then slowly take my hand away,

I crouch down and he follows my actions, we just sit there for minute,

"what are we~" 10k starts,

I shush him again, I point to the dog I seen earlier,

"stay here, don't move."

I walk closer and try making clicking noises with my tongue to coax the dog,

I turn around slowly to 10k, "give me the Twinkie in your bag." I tell him. He wanted about to protest, I could tell,

"Hurry" I rush him, He gives it to me and I offer it to the dog, "come here boy, it's okay.."

I talk to the dog, trying to gain it's trust,

It would be nice to have a loyal friend, unlike 10k. Always looking at other females, this dog could help me for sure, besides I've always had a soft spot for animals.

The dog licks me and I laugh, "alright dude, you wanna come with me?" He barks softly, I smile.

"We'll figure out a name for you soon enough." I look back at 10k,

He's staring at me, then the dog. "Come here." I tell him,

"slowly" I add.

I pet the dog to make him comfortable,

"it's alright, he's friendly, for the most part."

10k looks at me, I nod towards the dog. He leans his hand in and the dog lets him,

"He's cute." 10k shyly says,

I realize I might have been a little cold to him earlier but it's just how I am, I've got a reputation to hold. Don't want anyone thinking I'm soft,

Crying in front of someone was the first mistake I've made so I have to fix it,

"We should probably get back." He tells me, I agree.

I whistle and my new dog follows me. He stays close behind when we arrive back to the house,

Warren looks upset,

I look at 10k,

he just shrugs and continues walking.

"Where the hell were you two?" Warren asks,

10k is about to respond when she looks at me and the dog at my feet.

"Never mind, lets go, get in the truck."

Warren gets in the drivers seat,

doc in the passenger,

Mack, addi, and Murphy sit in the back seats,

me, 10k and Cassandra get in the bed of the truck,

As soon as I hop in my dog hops I'm after me,

"Where'd you get that?" Cassandra asks me.

I look at her,

"My dog?" I question with a raised eyebrow,

she looks a bit surprised either from my response or the dried blood and dirt on my face,

"Yeah" she says,

"Found him." I reply,

She's silent after.

My dog climbs in my lap and I stroke his fur. "Soo..what are you going to name him?" 10k asks me,

I look at the dog, then him,


Troubled love~ 10k x reader ZnationWhere stories live. Discover now