Part 27: bold

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The rest of the group was nowhere to be seen.
Who knows what they did to them gosh I hope it
Isn't worse than this.

"You know, hanging upside down is kinda peaceful."
Doc spoke smiling.

"Doc! Did you seriously smoke in the truck?"
I rolled my eyes at him.

"Hey! Murphy offered it to me."

"Doc are you an idiot?"


"That was Zweed! You don't know the effects of that!" I stopped myself from the rant when a Z stumbled over to us. Headed straight towards 10k.

"Do something!" 10k yelled,

"Like what!?"

The Z was about 5 feet away from biting into his neck before the woman came riding in on her horse,
Slicing the Z's head off. Saving him.

"Wow." Doc smiled, "She's amazing."

I rolled my eyes again.

She cut him down with her blade, then me.
Before she could cut the rope for my 10k I pushed past her.

"These two idiots, especially this one." I pointed to my boyfriend hanging upside down, smiling awkwardly. "Are my responsibility, thanks."

She shrugged in response.

"Looks like I'm the damsel in distress."
Doc joked.

The woman smiled at him, gross.
There's gotta be something going on behind those Googly eyes.

"I apologize for my brother once again, we haven't seen anyone else in quite awhile." She spoke,

"Oh it's fine." I spoke sarcastically, slightly annoyed.

"That was great what you did back there."
10k complimented her.

"Yeah!" Doc agreed,

"Thanks." She smiled.

I huffed and walked away.
"That was great what you did back there."
I mumbled under my breath, in a sing song voice, mocking him. "Pfft whatever."

I was just walking away at this point, I didn't know where the hell I was actually going.

10k of course had to stop me.
That was the whole point of walking away.

"Baby wait!"

The pet name stopped me in my tracks, a small smile formed on my face. I bit my lip to keep it away.
I still didn't turn around.

His footsteps approached me quietly, then I felt his arms snake around my waist.
His head rested on my shoulder.

"Are you mad at me?" The way he asked was so cute and sad, god he was like a puppy.

"No, Tommy." I took a deep breath as his hand reached my lower stomach.

"Are you jealous?" He teased,

His fingers traced my underwear line.

"Since when did you get so bold?" I asked,

"Since now."

Troubled love~ 10k x reader ZnationWhere stories live. Discover now