Bonus Scene I: When She Lost Her Life

Start from the beginning

"Thanks, Marg. Always appreciate you." I blow her a kiss taking the stack of clothes to the bathroom. After a quick shower and simple blowout I pull the comfier outfit over my skin. The shades of the top go well with my purple eyes. Mm. I wish they were normal. Not now, Sultana.

By the time I've left the bathroom the help have disappeared. I snag my backpack and keys rushing down the stairs. And with another thankful smile to the butler that drove my car up for me, I jump into the seat and head to school. Today is going to be great. I look great, Jenny was handled, and Vale has plans with me to go shopping after our last lecture

That was that case. Now I stand in front of my coach her eyes dripping with rage, "You're out! Scholarship revoked, status gone, you're fucked girly. I expect all your stuff on my desk within an hour!" 

"Wait what?" I wave my hands at her trying to calm her down. Had I done something last night? Did I forget to wear shorts under my skirt? No that can't be it, a lot of girls do that.

"Jenny and the quarterback came up to me last night and informed me of your intolerable actions. Showed me photos of what you've been spending your weekends doing, and recordings of how you've spoken to Jenny. I thought you were a good kid, Sul, but I now I know you're nothing but a scrape of trash. The financial office has been made aware, your scholarship has been revoked and full repayment is expected by end of day tomorrow. That or you'll need to drop out." 

"Coach please." 

"I won't let you manipulate me, Sul. Get out." And that was that. An unknown number sends me photos of what she'd shown coach. Me dancing drunk, me pranking a student, even where I accidentally vandalized a car. Lacking from the photos are the other girls, the football players, everyone else involved in every incident. A key line rings in under all of them: Now this is photoshop. 

"No, no, no..." I mumble to myself over and over marching over the campus towards the practice field. Jack should be there now, he should be able to help me. My eyes trace over the multitudes of heads, finally landing on the familiar brown, "No." Hanging over that bastards arm is Jen herself. He kisses down her neck, her arm. His touch towards her is so much more than it ever was towards me. I don't give a rip about him not loving me, but the fucking public humiliation of it being with her? 

Jenny and the quarterback... 

He played me. I've been played. My heart cracks, my body dropping. Both Jenny and Jack look towards me, neither dropping the sinister smiles that come over their faces. Another text pops up: Should've been more aware, Sultana. 

I grip my keys tightly rushing from the scene. While I might not have anyone to go to on the team, I know Vale could help me. She's usually studying in the robotics lounger with her crush. Not that the woman knows. Maybe ten minutes later I bust through the door, tears streaming down my face, "I need help." 

Vale stands up from the robot, her eyes flickering down to the woman of interest. She turns back to me, an unfamiliar look, "I can't help someone that didn't notice when I needed you most. Jenny showed me the photos of you breaking into my dads car, as well as helped me see the negligence you've had in our friendship. It'd be best if you leave." 

"But it wasn't just me! It was the whole team!" I screech shaking my phone. Another text: She's pretty easy to manipulate. I wouldn't bother trying. Her mind is set, "You'll believe them over someone you've been friends with for years?" 

"If that's the case, show me the original image. Let me see proof that you weren't the only one." Her arms cross, eyes meeting mine intently. 

"I can't. It was Jenny and Jacks job to take photos. These are all from..." And that's when it clicked. Jenny, the new girl of the season, she'd been plotting this since before I hated her. Before I'd even known of her existence, "Who is she?" 

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