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                                                  "Okay...Can someone explain why I was dragged here?" Ivy looked between Annabeth and Ms Sally as they spare a very worried look. "Not that I don't adore you, Ms Sally, but, uh...my foster parents are going to get worried."

Annabeth rolled her eyes, knowing what she was truly fearful of. Gods, she hates those knowing grey eyes. "You ran away from your foster mom two months ago."

"Yes, and she is probably worried sick." Lies, the voice in Ivy's head repeated. That woman didn't care, probably didn't even notice Ivy ran away, again. Yet, Ivy wouldn't be caught dead in Camp Half-Blood, not anymore. It hurts to much to be there.

"Wait, you what?" Ms Sally looked at her with furrowed brows. "Ivy, where are you staying?"

Ivy sent Annabeth a pointed look, who just shrugged at her as if saying, you're the one that ran away. Ivy just looked back at Ms Sally with a smile, "That is a great question, and I assure you I'll give the an answer right after you tell me why I'm here."

Ms Sally sighed and looked to the side before back at her. Oh, someone better not have hurt Sally Jackson.

"Did Paul do something?" Ivy said automatically, protectively. "Do I need to—"

"No, no, no, no," Ms Sally said quickly, knowing good and well if she didn't say it fast enough Ivy would already be gone before her or Annabeth could blink. Ivy just looked more confused and went to ask what it was then before Ms Sally just blurted it out, never one to beat around the bush with Ivy, knowing she doesn't like it. "Percy is missing."

Ivy raised a singular eyebrow and pursed her lips, "I don't understand why I'm supposed to—"

"Oh, don't even start, Ivy," Annabeth said tiredly, dropping her arms from when they were crossed across her chest. "We both know you still—"

Ivy stood, immediately getting defensive, "Finish that, Chase, I—"

"Sit down, Ivy." Sally said sternly. Ivy followed without a moment of hesitation, her eyes cooling from the black, harsh color it previously was. Annabeth had to swallow back anger that had suddenly overcome her.

Ivy really does like Annabeth, one of, or rather, her only friend.

"Percy is missing," Ms Sally said again, slower this time. "Truly missing. I had thought he went to Camp to help Annabeth...but then Annabeth came here and asked for Percy. So we assumed he'd be with you—"

"Why'd he be with me?" Ivy looked at Ms Sally confused before her mind caught up with her. Percy was missing. Percy is missing, missing...

"Ivy, what is it?" Annabeth eyed her curiously.

"I—I had a dream, but I—it had to be a joke," Ivy said slowly, eyes furrowed as she thought back. "Because there is no way..."

"Demigod dreams are never a joke. Why would you—"

"Because that's what my—" Ivy stopped for a moment and took a deep breath. "That doesn't matter. I—The dream was...odd. There were people in togas, purple togas. It reminded me of Ancient Rome, with Peter Pan and some really hot girl leading them—"

"Okay, you lost me at Peter Pan," Annabeth blinked and pursed her lips.

"He's not important, maybe," Ivy shook her head. "Look, then the ground ate me up. Now, I'm not scared of the Underworld, I quite like it, honestly, but this was...different. I talked to Nico about it but we both...it couldn't have been. It's insane."

Recognition hit her and Annabeth felt a wave of fear overcome her, making her shiver before it was gone, leaving her sweaty. She glanced over at the Jackson mom, to see her shiver slightly as well.

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