𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐫

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𝐈𝐯𝐲 has been in more foster homes then she can count on her fingers. She always made it hard to want to be around, or love, without it being twisted and angry. The longest was with a family, two moms who were kind, soft, sweet. It was the first time she felt safe, and didn't run away. She stayed with them for three years, was about to be adopted, before they were killed by an earthquake.

She found the news out when the neighbor who so kindly let her stay with them for two days while the two parents left (to unknowingly get approval for the adoption) sat her down and explained to her what had happened. For the first time in the four years she knew the nice woman's son, he was actually nice to her. But Ivy knew it was her fault.

The lady in her dream told her so.

So, at seven years old, Ivy did the only rational thing.

She ran away.

She bounced from even more foster homes, before ultimately, at ten years old, wondering into a camp that changed her life upside down. Was it in a good way? Well, that was still decided.

She was a demigod, a child of the great—well, she didn't know that. She didn't know it until she was fifteen, but she'll get back to that part.

A year after she had gotten to camp, causing chaos wherever she went, the nice lady's son appeared, flipping her world around one last time.

Percy fucking Jackson.

Now, Ivy adored Ms Sally. The man that lived with them, not so much, actually despised him. The boy on the other hand, well, that was complicated.

As Ivy had said before, she is not an easy person to love, or like remotely. Some part of her was always angry and just wanted to scream, but she couldn't. She always made other people mad and made them scream, until Percy Jackson.

Percy Jackson had a lot of anger, Ivy could feel it deep in her bones, but she could never get it to explode like she does to everyone else, and that bothered her. So, she did the only rational thing a kid can do when frustrated and angry, ignore or throw a tantrum. It went back and forth.

Somehow, some way, after two quests of almost dying, which Ivy was not a fan of, she started to...enjoy his presence. He made the screaming in her head stop and the painful anger in her bones cool. And he was never afraid to argue with her or talk back, but somehow, never got angry with her, just...frustrated.

As a war rages on, some how, some way, Ivy realizes she actually likes Percy fucking Jackson. The same boy she remembers cursing every night since she was four. Somehow, the hate turns into feelings of like, which turned into love.

But fifteen is an odd age to fall in love at, it never last, not truly. They had a wonderful eight months together, and it was great, Ivy wouldn't change it for the world.

So, why did she break up with him only weeks before his birthday? That's a question Percy would love the answer to.

                                                𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐨𝐧 has always had a safety net in his mom. His mom is something he always knows he will have and will always support him. Always made him feel safe and kept him safe even when Percy wished she would just leave. She didn't love Gabe, not in anyway, but she loved him, her son, her joy. Percy got angry after every fight, every bruise, after everything. He was a very angry child, having so much anger.

When he was four, his mom introduced him to a girl with dark black hair, grey eyes that looked almost black most days, and a very mischievous smile. He was absolutely enamored the moment she threw a block at him. The funny frown and confused look when he just smiled and tossed the block back at her. At four years old, he didn't understand why he didn't feel so angry after all this time.

For three years, he followed her around like a lost puppy, thinking it was absolutely hilarious how she'd get so frustrated after she'd do something that only made him laugh. Always, she asked why he wasn't mad at her, but he never knew the answer. He was only five.

At seven, her moms died, and Percy didn't know how that felt, he never wanted to. Personally, he had no idea what he'd do if he didn't have his mom. He gave her a hug, and for the first time, at seven years old, Ivy let him. Yet, his heart was broken when he woke up the next morning for her to only be missing.

He never did forget about her after all those years. The anger was back and every time he saw a pink flower, or a gold jewelry, he thought of her. His anger was back. Why did she leave? Is she okay? Where did she go?

When he was twelve, he lost his mom, found out he was a demigod—half mortal, half god or something, he and his deadbeat dad was a big deal.

Oh, and Ivy was alive and okay.

The moment he saw her, he knew it was her. Her eyes and smile gave her away and the calm of his anger cooled over him.

She wasn't as happy to see him as he would have thought. Frustrated, like always. He noticed most people stayed away from her when she got like that, he didn't understand why. Yeah, she frustrated him easily, but it made him feel better. When they argued, it help him be able to swim above the sea from where he was drowning—although, he found out he can't actually drown being the son of Poseidon and all.

When he was about fourteen was when he realized he liked Ivy. His mom merely looked at him like "oh, i'm so surprised," although she wasn't. When he was fifteen was when he grew enough balls to actually ask her to be his girlfriend and go out on a date with him. To his surprise, she didn't say no, but immediately told him that he can meet her at a certain park in three days exact and five o'clock.

Of course he listened.

Their relationship was great. They fought, but not like how his mom and Gabe did. No, there was a sense of calmness, collected understanding that no, they weren't angry at each other. They were the only ones that could handle each other anger that seared through their bones, colliding with each other and causing it to flash and disappear.

He was absolutely in love with her, he realized that by the third month. She was in love him too. He knows she wasn't lying to cause chaos, because he knows when she does.

So why, ten months later, did she break up with him? Why did she break up with him only to save his ass a few weeks later when he almost got stabbed in the back by Ethan Nakamura? Why was she so hurt at him, but also so sad?

He didn't understand, but he guess it was okay since he only had to deal with the anguish for three months before he was kidnapped by his aunt.

                                                  Ivy and Percy get thrown into another war, another world saving deadline they have to work against with six other demigods. Ivy can no longer hold back her love and Percy can no longer hold back his hurt.

                                               " i vowed not to cry anymore if we survived the great war. you drew up some good faith treaties, i drew curtains closed, drank all my poison alone. you said i have to trust more freely but diesel is desire.

                                                you were playing with fire and maybe it's the past that's talking, screaming from the crypt, telling me to punish you for things you never did. so i justified it, all the bloodshed, crimson clover. uh huh, the bombs were closer my hand was the one you reached for all through the great war. always remember, uh huh, the burning embers. i vowed not to fight anymore if we survived the great war."

~the great war, taylor swift

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐫¹                     -𝐏𝐉𝐎Where stories live. Discover now