Chapter 39 - Bacon

Start from the beginning

"Yep, and the dog can't come." Stiles stated again making him bark.

I sighed and dropped my hands to my side just as the bacon was then stolen from my fingers by my own dog causing Lydia to chuckle. "Hey!" I said I little upset.

"Ann, focus." Stiles said. "So the new deadpool, the one that has been printing on every fax machine... Derek isn't on it anymore and Liam is now worth 18 million not 3."

"Why Liam? He's barely 15."

"He's still Scott's beta." Lydia sated.

"Does Scott know?"

"Yeah, I rang him." Stiles replied. "Maybe you should go to the bonfire. Nothing good can come of that and Liam will more than likely be going."

"Scott will be there."

"Yeah, but..." Stiles trailed off as I raised my eyebrows up at him. "Okay, fine. I think Malia may go and she hasn't been answering my calls or texts. Someone needs to catch her up and maybe if you spoke to her in person..."

"Why don't you try speaking to her in person?" I suggested and Stiles kind of froze for a split second. "Wait a minute... are you scared?"

"She has claws and is not afraid of using them when she's in a good mood let alone when she's angry." He got defensive and I couldn't stop from laughing a little.

"Alright, I'll go to the bonfire, you shouldn't need any more hands for just asking a few questions at Eichen House anyway, but you owe me." I pointed a finger at Stiles. "I hate bonfires... well no I like bonfires I just don't like drunken lacrosse players." I mumbled.

"Couple of shots and you won't even notice them." Lydia suggested.

"Ah... deputy, right here." Parrish said at the mention of underage drinking.

I chuckled. "Doesn't matter anyway, I can't get drunk." I sighed.

"Really?" Jordan asked.

"Yeah, it's because they can heal." Stiles said. "Well Anna got drunk once, but that was because of excessive amounts of vodka in very short period of time and it's a mental thing. Like this one time Scott wasn't healing because he wasn't in the right frame of mind of something."

"How much vodka is excessive for a werewolf?" Jordan asked.

"That's completely irrelevant, so moving on." I said. "Lydia I need clothes." I said pleadingly. "All my nice things I've had to throw out because of bullet holes and blood stains."

"And this is meant to convince me to lend you something?" She asked.

"Wait a minute, what?" Jordan asked a little shocked.

"She gets shot a lot." Stiles clarified. "Most recently just the other day when we were in quarantine at the school."

"You'll catch up one day." I said to him. "So, clothes?"

"Alright, let's go." Lydia said as she grabbed her bag. "Stiles can you pick me up?" Lydia asked him and he nodded.

"Yeah sure. We'll go this afternoon. I want to go and see my dad first."

"How is he?" I asked.

"Yeah he'll be fine, but not being able to use his arm for a while is already getting on his nerves."

"Alright, well tell him I said hi. I was going to see him today, but..."

"Supernatural issues." Stiles finished. "He knows."

I nodded before Lydia and I said goodbye and then left. I dropped Buster off at Scott's on the way because he didn't like Lydia's dog, Prada. He was actually afraid of her. My big black Labrador was afraid of Lydia's tiny little Crème Puff.

"Okay so this." Lydia said, throwing a khaki dress with one shoulder strap onto the bed. "With black wedges." She grabbed out the shoes and placed them on the ground. "And this jacket." She grabbed a denim jacket out with black sleeves. "Done. I don't wear the dress or jacket. It was an impulse buy, but it will suit you so you can keep them. The shoes however I want back or else..."

"Banshee screams?"

"Yes. We're going to straighten your hair and I think just natural makeup."

"You're the boss." There was never any point in arguing with Lydia when it came to fashion.

We ate lunch before getting ready and then it took a couple of hours after that before Lydia's 'masterpiece' was complete. She seemed to be enjoying it way too much, but I had to admit it was nice to do something normal for a change.

"Final touch." Lydia said as she held out a pale pink lip-gloss. "Take it with you because you may need to re-apply." She said just as I heard the tyres of the jeep pull up.

"Stiles is here."

"You can wait here until it's time to leave, my mum won't be back until late. Just lock the front door when you go. Good luck." She said.

"Likewise." I said back just before Lydia left to go to Eichen House with Stiles.

I had an hour before I had to go anywhere so I found myself playing tug of war with Prada. When it was time I locked the door and drove to the bonfire. The sun was just starting to set and there were already dozens of people there. I got out of my car and began my walk towards the crowds of people just as they lit the fire and the DJ began to play.

Shoot me now.

So i was going to post this last night, but i quite literally fell asleep with my laptop open and was out for at least ten hours... apparently skipping my daily coffee does not agree with me.

I was looking for a photo of a black Lab that could be Buster, but the photo i'm using is too young to be him, but it was just too impossibly cute not to share.

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