Chapter 99 - Love

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Armin, still sitting on the toilet lid, was colorless.

Lara called him once more, with no success.

He was staring at her, his eyes wide open.

Lara pressed her lips together, trying to hold back a laugh. She looked up at the ceiling.

"Jesus, could You please give back my husband's soul? I think it went for a walk and doesn't want to return..."

But apparently, even Jesus Himself was amused by the situation, for Armin remained there, motionless and white like the marble statues they had seen in Tuscany.

Lara giggled and approached him.

"Armin?" She touched his shoulder and he jumped in fright.

"H-Huh?" Armin blinked several times, shaking his head. Then, he looked up at his wife, "B-Baby, what did you say j-just now?"

Lara gave him a kind smile and took his face, gazing deeply at him.

"I said I'm pregnant, sweetheart."

He widened his eyes.

"H-How did that happen?" Armin managed to say, after a few seconds of silence.

Lara chuckled.

"Well..." she said, looking understanding, "How can I explain? You see, when a man and a woman love each other, they usually do--"

"I know how it happened!" exclaimed Armin, waving his hands in anxiety, which made Lara laugh even more at seeing his despair. "It was a rhetorical question! I-I meant... When did that happen?!" He gazed at his wife, his blue eyes blinking quickly.

Lara wanted to pinch his cheeks, but she thought it was not the right time to do so. Lara rubbed her chin thoughtfully.

"Hmm..." she frowned, "I believe it was that time we made love in front of the fireplace last month..." Lara gave him a cheeky smile, "I remember very well that your performance was excellent!"

Armin's mouth gaped open, perplexed.

He stood up suddenly, holding Lara's face with both hands.

"A-Are you r-really sure? You're pregnant?!"

Having her cheeks squeezed by Armin's hands, she nodded. As Lara practically pouted, she managed to say:

"My period is late. But since it's a bit irregular, I thought it was nothing. But then I began experiencing other symptoms, like tiredness and some nausea. Besides, it's been a few days since I can't stand the smell of the mocha coffee we prepare. Apart from the fact that when Naomi was born, I had this very different feeling, as if that baby had awakened something inside me..." Lara gave him a little smile as if she was talking about the weather, "So, it was easy to connect the dots!" Lara's smile got wider, "We're having a baby!"

Armin stared at her for a few more seconds and then, to Lara's total surprise, he brought their lips together and gave her a very passionate kiss. Just like on the airship, when they reconciled many years ago, she raised her arms to her sides with the unexpected kiss, but then she gave in entirely, holding on to his blond hair, returning the kiss with the same intensity.

When they drew apart, Armin was still holding her face, but now, Lara noticed that tears were streaming down from his eyes and he was smiling.

"You have no idea how much I love you!" he exclaimed, giving her a long peck kiss. "I'm so, so happy with this news, my love!"

Lara felt her eyes water and returned the smile.

"Prepare yourself, my friend," she laughed, "because now I'll be eating for two!"

Lara (Long-Fic Levihan | Armin Arlert X OC)Where stories live. Discover now