Chapter 92 - Italy

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The journey was pretty tiring for everyone, as it took them several days to finally reach Italy's port. At least, due to having many people that knew each other on the ship, everything became lighter and more relaxed. One of the good things that happened was that Niccolo offered himself to help in the kitchen, resulting in many delicious meals.

Hange felt very sick, feeling quite nauseous. But she enjoyed sitting on a bench on the deck, gazing at the immense ocean in front of her beside Levi, while they chatted to Tiny-Human-Bean about how it would have to be a good baby and behave on Italian lands. It had already grown a bit more and kicked with a lot more intensity now. Hange only bled for the first two days of the journey, and then stopped. Her blood pressure seemed stable, despite throwing up a lot and turning red from the rocking of the ship.

Levi's wheelchair practically became an entertainment. During almost all days, Lara, Armin, or a few of their friends would snitch it from Levi to ride it around the deck, racing each other. Sasha would win most of the time, and even Mikasa joined in some competitions, with Jean faithfully rooting for her to win. Lara and Armin also raced against each other and didn't take it easy, resulting in fierce disputes, which even the ship's sailors would stop their work to watch.

Levi didn't quite like it when people would take his means of locomotion without his permission, but at seeing her daughter and son-in-law having so much fun with their friends, he would let it go. Levi actually began to have a line of thought that, the less he bickered over silly things, the more he would have peace in his life. However, when they were almost arriving in Italy, Connie literally flipped over with the wheelchair, which made Levi forbid them to use it again, fearing they would break it.

Lara and Armin were a very dear couple to everyone, always cheerful and cooperative, even helping some sailors with the ship's chores. If in difficult times they got along well, in times of peace they got along even better. They were always laughing and playing with each other, and their love increased more and more.

One day, Armin felt pretty nauseous due to the rocking of the ship and Lara took care of him with great affection in the cabin, however, she suspected that he had overreacted a little, just to get more attention from his fiancée.

There was also this other afternoon when Lara found Armin standing right at the bow of the ship, gazing out at the horizon. She went to him, and he held out his hand for her to approach. Armin asked Lara to close her eyes and trust him.

Armin positioned her at the railing of the ship, asking her to keep her eyes closed. Lara was feeling lots of butterflies in her stomach because the place seemed high. There was a strong wind and the noise of the ship sailing against the waters of the ocean got into her ears.

Armin stood behind her and, taking her arms, spread them wide open, entwining their fingers.

"Open your eyes," he whispered in her ear.

And Lara did so. She felt her heart swell with delight at the sight of a magnificent orange and purple sunset ahead of her. Her entire body was shaking with emotion.

"I-I'm flying!" Lara couldn't stop smiling, her chest rising and falling.

Armin wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his jaw on her shoulder, as he watched his fiancée's joy.

"I-I've never imagined seeing something so marvelous!" Lara turned her face and gazed deeply at him. Slowly, they brought their lips closer and bent their heads for a kiss. Their breaths were intense and Armin squeezed her waist with affection, while Lara stroked his hair, moving their mouths in a completely passionate kiss.

Levi and Hange also had their intimate moments. The cabin only had single beds, but when they were alone there inside, they would lie on the same bed and touch their lips in very soft and tender kisses. Levi caressed his wife's belly, with Tiny-Human-Bean now being the sandwich's filling. The baby seemed to enjoy its father's affection a lot, giving light kicks during these moments. Levi's amputated fingers area was practically healed and it didn't hurt that much. The only severe problem was his leg. He couldn't spend much time on foot or walking without the help of the crutch or wheelchair.

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