(47) Living together

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Sebastian grinned and David shakes his head before walking towards his bag and grabbing a T-shirt from there and quickly dressing up.

Sebastian sneaked up on him and hugged him from behind to pull off the other towel as well and locking the man in his arms.

"Oh god Seb! Are you serious! I just told you!", David said frantically trying to push him away so he can fully get dressed.

Sebastian chuckled. "The door's closed and I love my boyfriend. I'm taking the advantage."

"So shameless I swear", David shakes his head.

"Not guilty", Sebastian grinned nuzzling David's neck.

"Well I for one don't want to take any chances. Let me wear my jeans please", David smiled shaking his head.

Sebastian groaned but let him go. He went and took a seat on the bed sighing.

"So you feeling better?", He asked as David got dressed.

"Yeah just gotta bandage his one", David said pointing at his upper arm.

Sebastian nods and patted the seat next to him. He helped him up with it and asked him if it still hurts.

"A little of course. I got injured yesterday Seb", David smiled amused.

Seb sighed nodding. "I came to get you for breakfast", He said then.

"Oh good. I'm hungry and I miss my newspaper", David pouts.

"Come on then", Sebastian chuckled grabbing his hand and standing up.

David and Sebastian walk out of the room just in time to hear a couple shouts. Their attention went down the hall to a room two doors away.

"Brody", Sebastian groaned as he headed off to that room.

David follows him in amusement.

They peek inside the open door of the room to see James and Dean assaulting a sleeping Brody making him angry.

It looked like they were putting some slimy stuff on Brody's head holding a cheshire grin on their face.

Brody was sleeping, well atleast trying to. His face was scrunched and a deep displeased frown rest upon his face.

David and Sebastian look at them with a surprise/confusion on their face. They knew what the goal is here, but they weren't sure what is that thing.

"I swear guys. Don't fuck with me", Brody grit, his eyes still close.

Dean and James didn't seem to be affected at all by their little brother's threat. They then look at each other and nod with a smirk. Jamie grabbed a couple balloons from the floor and arranged them in the bed all around Brody.

"Oh no", Sebastian mutters nervously.

David grimaced beforehand knowing what's the plan here.

And in cue Dean popped a balloon with a pin right near Brody's ear making a loud bursting sound.

Brody flinched extremely hard on his bed waking up no doubt and..yelled in fear.

Dean and Jamie laugh their ass off but don't cease popping more balloons in the room. There seemed to be 20 more. All around Brody.

"Oh god", Sebastian sighs.

"SON OF A BITCH!", Brody yelled.

Just then a room's door opened and Chase walked out casually closing the door after him and walking down the hall nonchalantly like he couldn't hear all the bursting of ballons and Brody's yelling.

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