Chapter 81. "The soul has found peace."

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Hustle and bustle has never brought anyone success. The more peace of mind, the easier and faster all issues are resolved.

© Julianne Wilson

- I didn't know she was your fiancée! - Proclaimed Dracula and walked away...

- Wait! - Shouted after him the brown-haired girl, but he didn't even turn around...

- How many times can you ruin my life? - She turned to Daniel.

- "I can't understand you! I don't understand you! You told me that you loved Edmund so you couldn't be with me, and now you realize that Ed is gone and you go straight to some random guy, seriously? - The brunette was pissed.

- All he wanted was to help me, to listen to me!

- And I can't help you with that?

- No, you can't! - Johanna answered and headed towards the guys...

- I thought you were going with Daniel. - Said Oscar as he watched the girl get into the back seat of his car...

- Please take me to the hotel! - Said Jo and the guys got in the car. Daniel was left alone...

- You did a cruel thing to him... - Looking at the girl, Sean said.

- I'm sick of him. He's always walking around me, making hurtful remarks, some kind of complaint, how much longer can I put up with this? I told him no, can't you understand that?

- But judging from the fact that you decided to go out with Dracula, I understand Daniel.

- I just wanted someone to talk to.

- But, Jo, it's all in the past," Tony began, "it's all behind us, Ed's not coming back. Maybe Daniel's really the one for you.

- Are you all right? - I turned to him," Do you even hear yourself?

- Well, I kind of agree with Tony! - Added Oscar," you're on your own again, and like you always said, "nobody wants you," so maybe this is your chance? Maybe the universe sent you Daniel as a gift of fate. Why didn't you think of that?

- You've all gone crazy...

- Why? - Tony yelled," What did we just say to you?

- Don't you understand that Daniel was another Edmund, how am I supposed to be with him? Knowing that Ed is dead and I'm marrying his friend?

- Ed will understand... - Oscar added.

- Seriously? - Joanna got angry," would you be happy with that?

- Joanna, you've already gone somewhere wrong...

- I'm telling the facts! I won't be with Daniel!

- Will you calm down? - Screamed Sean, - enough, you've had enough with your arguments! Leave Joanna alone, she's a big girl and she can decide for herself what she wants to do, okay? Let her go out with whoever she wants, it's none of your business! You're not even smart enough to be matchmakers! - Sean finished and everyone got quiet, no one expected such a thing from the brown-haired man...

On Joanna's behalf:

We didn't say anything for the rest of the ride, we didn't feel like talking at all, especially after what the guys had said, I didn't think they were like that... it was like Ed was nobody to them, like he wasn't even there the whole time...

We arrived at the hotel, everyone was already quietly packing, since we had a morning flight to San Francisco tomorrow.

- Where is Sandra? - I asked Sean.

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