Chapter 20. "Acquaintances."

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I always say, "It's very nice to meet you," when I'm not in the least bit pleased. But if you want to live with people, you have to say things.

Jerome David Salinger, "Catcher in the Rye."

On behalf of Edmund:

I arrived at my house in the morning, texting Stacy on the way that I would meet her at work. I walked in the house and didn't find Sean in the living room, I went up to my bedroom and saw the guy not only asleep on my bed in the starlight position, but he was also wearing my clothes...

I exhaled, covered my eyes, took another deep breath and exhaled and just turned away and walked away, I think I had a problem with my friend...

I checked my pockets hoping to find my phone there, but it wasn't and then my memory kicked in and I remembered that I had given it to Joanna.

I had another phone at home that not many people knew about and in fact it was on air mode most of the time, I decided to turn it on and call Tony.

- Hello, Edie, and hello again. - I heard my brother's voice, already a little drunk.

- Where are you?

- At Oscar's brothels, I can tell your old man is doing well," he laughed and of course I couldn't agree with him, because Oscar didn't need much to live on, he just worked the black market and shoveled money, we all know that the black market trade is the most profitable in this ugly life, No intelligence, no work and no effort, you just find yourself some dudes, they introduce you to some high ranking people and you start working, if you are crafty, you get everything in a couple of months and you can work not just for yourself, but sit next to those who were already an authority.

I wanted to do that too, yes, to tie my life to the illegal, to sell drugs, smuggle, keep brothels and traffickers, but, you have to have a tenacious and strong-willed character, because in such cases murder and death is the first thing that can happen, everyone tries to cheat somehow and earn more and if you get caught you are dead and no more words, so I put that idea out of my head and just went to work for my father and then started earning money myself...

- I thought you were coming to see me... - With a touch of sadness, I said. Even though Tony was not my own brother, but we had a very good relationship, I spent all my teenage years with him out of town, my uncle thought that since we did not get a chance to have siblings, Tony and I must be together and be considered family, he was a good guy, but, his love for partying and drinking was huge.

- Edie my sweetie, well I'll definitely come visit you too, I just wanted to experience all this San Francisco nature life. I'm tired of seeing the same woods and nature.

- You don't have to come to me, I'll come to you myself. - I pronounced and dropped the call.

I had no choice but to spend the night in the arms of lush-breasted women and whiskey, and maybe even allow myself a few whiffs of white powder.

I told you before that I don't use, I don't remember, but even if I did, I probably lied to you, I can't come to my senses without it, especially after everything that has been happening to me over the past few days. I just went out, got into my beloved Camry 3.5 and drove away.


On behalf of Joanna:

- I'm sorry, I... - I started to stutter, but he interrupted me.

- "Have a seat," he pointed to the seat across from him. I obeyed and sat down, a few seconds of silence, and I put the phone on his desk.

- I was looking for Edmund," I began, "He gave me his phone so I could call my mother, and he happened to leave it at my place.

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