Chapter 80. "The mask is off."

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You wear a mask for so long that you forget who you were under it.

"V" for Vendetta.
(Gordon Dietrich)

- Don't you speak English? - I asked Dracula.

- I'm American, but I just love Italian. - He answered me.

- Then translate what you said...

- That's not necessary... - He said and then we abruptly switched partners, he disappeared and I found myself dancing with the hatter.

- So, how are you, little witch? - Asked Oscar.

- I had a fight with Daniel.

- With the freaky doctor? - He laughed.

- Oscar, it's not funny...

- What is wrong with you two? I thought you two were getting along, weren't you?

- That's the thing, we "got along" and that's in the past...

- I saw you dancing with Dracula, tell me what it was like.

- Nothing much, he spoke Italian, I didn't understand anything...

- But isn't he American?

- How do you know?

- I had a few words with him...

- I want to leave, can you get me out?

- With all these people, we can't do that...

- So what do we do?

- Wait for the end. - he answered and we continued to dance the waltz, in the darkness and among a lot of people clothed in masks hiding their real faces...


The dance was coming to an end, "Dracula" approached one of the masks and pulled her to him, it was a girl in the guise of a hostage, underneath she was an Italian woman named Viviana.

- Tesoro, dobbiamo parlare!" he said, to which she immediately left her interlocutor and took Dracula's hand and went with him into the street...

- Per quanto tempo farai finta di essere italiano?

- Vivi, the play is coming to an end... - he said hoarsely.

- And what's in it for you? Did you learn something new?

- I was just tired... I needed it in order to understand who I really am and who all these people around me are...

- You only trusted me, why? - She went up to him and tried to remove the mask, but he wouldn't let her...

- You're the only one I could trust, I've known you a long time, we've been through a lot...

- You know I only did it out of love for you!

- I know, and I'm ashamed that I made you go through myself, making it clear that it wasn't going to work out...

- Just, know that I will always be waiting for you, no matter how much time passes or what happens in everyone's lives...

- You are perfect, Viviana and beautiful... I don't deserve you.

- Stop it or I'll really believe it!

- Thank you for everything! - He hugged her,-I will always love you!

- Stop it! - she laughed and wiped away a tear, the brunette put on a mask and hid all her broken soul and heart behind it, - see you, Dracula! ti amerò per sempre! *** - She said and left, leaving Dracula alone...

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