Chapter 12. "Character."

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Just because you show character doesn't mean you have character.

Pulp Fiction.

On behalf of Edmund:

I was looking forward to seeing Joanna, I knew who she was, because my lawyer had sent me all her information the day before, and I didn't do it for nothing, because I really thought she was Alfred Morris' daughter, which turned out to be true. I wanted to see her again and talk to her and listen to a lot of accusations against me; at the moment this meeting was the only thing that could cheer me up...

My secretary Stacey always lets me know ahead of time that I'm going to be visited, but for some reason no one has let me know until now, I think Stacey will get a punishment from me...

There was a knock on the door and it opened immediately, I could have expected many people but not Joanna, amazingly she arrived on time and plus looked great.

- Waiting for my permission to enter the office, wasn't that taught? - Said I rudely, because I hated it when people came in without my permission...

- I did not know ... - she said quietly.

- Then first, go out the door and knock and wait until I let you in. - I said with a smirk.

- Yeah, you just ran out of the high tower. - He said and went into the office, she closed the door and started looking around.

- You don't obey the rules of etiquette?

- I make my own rules... - She sat down in front of me and took a statuette in her hand in the form of a toad and a pile of money, - do you believe in this nonsense?

- I believe in everything, I guess, and that's why I'm sitting in this chair right now.

- And I don't and that's why I'm sitting across from you. - She put it back and looked me in the eye," Why did you call me here? You could have behaved like a real man and not given me away, but you were mean, Mr. Wright.

- Are you going to tell me how to behave? You're a juvenile in front of me, you're still a child's brain. Maybe I wanted to see you. - I smiled.

- Really? And what do you look like an old man... - she snapped at me, and then added, - I wonder why you wanted to see me?

- Don't talk to me like that! - Don't think that just because I'm nice to you that I can't mess up your life.

- You've already ruined it, my father's kicking me out of the house...

- You deserve it...

- What? - She got angry, - who are you to judge me?

- Calm down! - I said calmly and went to my mini-bar, -your behavior is making me drink... - Pouring myself a whiskey, I said.

- You still haven't told me why you wanted to see me?

- I just like upstarts like you.

She said nothing, my back was turned to her and as soon as I turned around she sat down in my chair.

- I wonder what it would be like to sit in that chair. I'm Mr. Wright," she began to parody me, "the meanest, brazenest and toughest man, I can subdue anybody, be-be-be-be. - She pronounced and looked at me.

- Are you five years old?

- Thanks for the compliment," she replied and took the picture frame of my parents.

- Put it down! - I said rudely.

- Don't be greedy," she kept looking and then I couldn't take it anymore.

ÈGOÏSTE |18+ [English Version]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora