Chapter 38. "A Burst of Emotion."

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The worst mistake is to respond with emotion to your opponent's emotions. Instead, a firm, measured response.

"Fool Me / Lie Theory."

Viviana jumped off me abruptly, and I stood up and looked at Joanna, who was furious.

- I don't get it, Viviana! - Her father turned to her, "What's going on here?

- You've got it all wrong," I began, to which Joanna came up to me and gave me a good slap on the face.

- You bastard! - Said and ran out of Señor Lamberdy's house.

- I didn't expect this from you, Edmund! - "Get out of my house!" The señor turned to me.

- We love each other! - Vivi started screaming," and all you do is make my life miserable! Now I know why your mother left you! - She finished and then she got it right away, the senor slapped her across the face.

- Who are you to talk to me like that? - He shoved her, and I just left, I didn't want to watch this circus, I went out into the fresh air, I called the driver.

- Did you have a rough night? - Luca asked me when I got on board.

- What do you mean?

- You have red lipstick smeared all over your face, sir. - He handed me the phone with the front camera on.

- Oh, shit! - I cursed, I could see why Joanna reacted the way she did.

- Is she here?

- Joanna?

- She's here? Joanna? Yeah.

- She's packing her things, is there anything I can do to help?

- Yes," I took him by the shoulder, "tell him you want to take her to dinner and help her recover, and in fact you found her a bed for the night, and tomorrow she's supposed to fly away, and I'll go to a place, the one you know about and make her romantic, will you bring her there?

- No problem, Mr. Wright.

- I'll pay you a lot more than usual.

- No need, I respect you. - Said he and headed downstairs to Jo's bedroom at a brisk pace while I went to create masterpieces.

On behalf of Joanna:

I arrived at the boat and quickly began to pack my things, tears rolling down my cheeks, and I felt disgusted that Edmund had cheated on me yesterday and I was now convinced of it, and that he had almost made love to her in front of everyone... I couldn't imagine anything like that, my heart ached, and I was ready to close my eyes and drown in that sea right now, but I promised myself that I would come home...

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

- Joanna, it's me. - Luca's voice was heard, and I opened the door to see the boy.

- Why are you crying?

- Nothing, don't mind me, it's all right. Did you want something?

- Я... um, I want to make you feel good.

- What do you mean?

- Pack your things and I'll take you somewhere, it's only an early flight in the morning anyway, but you have to sleep somewhere.

- God, Luca. - I went up to him and hugged him tight," I'll always be grateful for everything you do for me. Just please don't say anything to that bastard Edmund.

- I promise. - The guy said, and I started to speed up.

When I got my stuff, I went out and there was a car waiting for us.

- I'll go with you. - He said and opened the back door for me. And then he sat down next to me.

- Where are we going?

- An old friend of mine, he's got some rented cabins nearby, the tourists love them, he'll give me a free place to stay. So don't worry.

We sat in silence, we drove for about twenty minutes, the place was really beautiful even though it was night, there were a couple of one-story houses around.

We got out of the car and Luca led me to the first house.

- Here were the keys. - He handed me the bundle. - If you know my number, call me if anything happens.

- Thank you so much, - I hugged the guy again, I will always be grateful to you. Thank you.

- Good night. - He said and got back in the car.

I opened the door and went in, I turned on the light and put the suitcase and went into the house, there was a large living room, a medium sized kitchen and a couple of rooms, I opened one bathroom and the other was probably the bedroom, I opened the door and saw how everything was covered with rose petals, there were candles, on the bed was a huge bunch of red roses, beside there was a table with champagne and fruit. The door shut behind me, and I shuddered.

- What a naive Joanna Wright you are. - His voice sounded painfully familiar, and his strong hands ran down my arms, sending shivers down my spine, and he pressed himself against me and inhaled the scent of my hair-all I'd been thinking about this morning was how to get this polka-dot dress off you, and he ran his hand down my legs, I turned sharply and met Edmund Wright's venomous and frightening eyes; he was wearing a white shirt that was half unbuttoned, black pants, and the insane scent of cologne that emanated from him and made me dive into a pool of sin.

- I hate you, Edmund! - If you think you can trick me or that I'll fall for this, you're too wrong. You have no idea who I am, and I won't let the likes of you ruin my life! - I shouted.

- It wasn't what you imagined! - He switched to yelling, too.

- Don't lie! I heard everything yesterday, yes, those moans of your slut, you fell for that trash! You lied to my face, but who am I kidding, you told me yourself that I mean nothing to you! - I'm tired of this life, where everyone uses me, no one loves me! No one needs me! I wish I'd stayed with Henry, he was the only one who accepted me for who I was!

- Don't say his name!

- I will! Because it's true, and yes," I calmed down, tears streaming down my cheeks, "I was a naive fool to believe that the universe must have decided to give me a chance at a new life and sent you, Edmund, the one who would save me from this awful life, the one who would show me another world and would always be there to love and respect me. And I won't hear any more criticism and insults from my father, that I'm not like other normal girls, I'm a horrible and talentless fool who no one will want.  I thought you really loved me because I loved you! - I finished and covered my face with my hands, I began to sob, because I had told the truth that hurt my soul and heart, the truth that changed me, I began to love myself and accept who I am, because in my life appeared he, the very selfish man whose name everyone knew Edmund Wright was the man who could give new life to my heart.

- You gave me hope that I was good, I could be confident and no longer have complexes. Forget everything in my life, I thought you would give me love, but you turned out to be a damn selfish Edmund Wright and I only wish you one thing, - Burn in hell! - I said and ran to the window to jump out and escape, but he grabbed me real tight.

- Look at me," he grabbed my chin, "I won't let you go.

- Kill me, I don't want to live anymore! - I sobbed, to which he kissed me.

- I won't give you up to anyone, I'll prove to you that people like me know how to love too...

From the author:

Hello there, my good people.  What did you think of the chapter? Yes, it was quite emotional, do you think Edmund said those words to make Joanna feel better or does he really feel something for her?

And is the next chapter going to be a higher degree?

Write your opinion soon in the comments. ❤❤❤

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