Chapter 60. "In the Enemy's Lair."

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The winner's tactic is to convince the enemy that he's doing the right thing.

"A law-abiding citizen."

The doors closed, and I turned around and realized that it was just the two of us in this huge house, just me and Oswald Wright...

My thoughts were filled with only Edmund and his message, I knew that by coming here I could never be with Edie again, I knew that he would not forgive me and that our paths would part, but I could not do otherwise, I loved him with all my heart and only I could help him...

We were silent and just looked at each other, and he took a sip of red wine and began,

- What brings you to me, Joanna? - His voice was a little different, probably a triumphant shriek, "Here she comes to me at last, and I've won this fight.

- You yourself know perfectly well what contributed to my coming to you. - I replied.

- Have a seat," he pointed to the chair across from him, "I honestly didn't think you'd make up your mind so quickly, especially after what Edmund said.

- You know everything? - I smirked," though why should I be surprised? You're the one who started this game, aren't you?

- Joanna, Edie needs help, and obviously I'm the only one who can help him, but let's be honest, he's a grown man, and I don't have to help him, do I? I don't have to run around saving him all the time... I have my life and he has his.

- And that's why you interfered in our lives? - I interrupted him.

- You know the answer to that question; I did it for you.

- But why do you need me? Why am I even sitting in front of you now?

- Ed would never call me, he was too proud to do so, especially after everything that had happened between us. And you're just what I need, one word from you and Edmund will be out tomorrow.

- Nothing happens in this life for nothing, tell me what you want, Oswald!

- You know the answer to that too, you must know that there isn't that spark between you anyway, yes you spent the night together, but that means nothing, nothing at all. The two of you just got your emotions out, but you have to look at the world with real eyes, Ed won't change, he'll always want women and the more of them he has the better he'll feel.

- What's your point?

- That it's time for you to leave him and get on with your life.

- I don't understand, yes, Ed and I aren't great, but we love each other...

- Joanna, I'll get Edie out of jail if you ask me to, but in return, you have to give me something.

- Would you like to sleep with me? - I asked with tears in my eyes," Why does everyone only see me as a sex toy? Why is everything so unfair?

- Do not be so hard on yourself, honey. It has always been and will remain so, a woman is for men in the first place a toy, as you put it, for sexual pleasures, and only then, a wife, the mother of his children and the like, men will always be interested only in this...

- But what do you want from me? To spend the night with me? Yes?

- No, I'm not such a cruel man to do such an ugly thing to you.

- Then what do you want, Oswald? I don't have anything that you want!

- I love you Joanna, and I have for five years, you have always been in my heart. Unfortunately, then at Ed's house you didn't tell me the main thing, when you ran away from home a couple of years ago and I met you on the way home, the day I put you in my car and took you to the house, when you clung to me and started crying, you told me the whole truth, but unfortunately, you were afraid of my offer to just leave San Francisco, leave everything and start a new life with me... I don't know what or who you were afraid of, but notice that your life is not better, but probably worse, your parents sold you out, and imagine for a second if Edmund was a pimp or a maniac, a murderer? What would he have done to you, what torment you'd be in and suffering... and most importantly your parents don't care about you, even now you've left home and they don't care, because they've always been interested in their lives, interests and love affairs. You were just a formality for them and it's very upsetting, I came for you again in the hope that you would come to your senses and make the right choice, but you didn't, so now everything falls on your shoulders, this story has gone on long enough it's time to end... - He finished and finished the wine in his glass.

- Do you want to take me away? - I didn't understand.

- I want to marry you, I want us to leave here and start a new life and believe me what I show you, no one will do that. You'll get everything out of life, any wish you want I'll fulfill, just you have to marry me.

- But... how come, you're married. - I started crying

- My life with Jacqueline is long over, it's been a couple of years since we lived together, and we parted on a friendly note, it's just that Ed doesn't know about it. But I didn't leave Jacqueline she got a lot and for the rest of her life she can only enjoy life, she hasn't lost anything.

- If I marry you, will you release Edmund?

- At once, it's not a problem for me.

- I didn't see that coming," I looked at him. - I can't give you an answer right now.

- I'm not asking you to do it now; Edie's trial is in two days, and that's your deadline, because if you don't, Ed will be locked up and I won't be able to help him. At most it could be in a couple of weeks, ask for an appeal and then let him out, but don't forget if he crosses the threshold of prison he'll be killed there right away.

- Don't tell me about it, please! - I covered my face with my hands and cried. Oswald came up to me and hugged me," I can't see your tears, stop crying. I'm not pressuring you, do as you see fit...


The brown-haired girl returned home an hour later, she lay down on her bed and just tried to sleep, but nothing came out, as if her head was about to burst from the flow of thoughts and information, she did not know how to be and what to do, but she knew one thing for sure, she would help Edmund and not leave him in trouble, but she also knew that urgently she must meet him to say good-bye...

For her final decision was not in favor of their relationship, it was to help Edmund in order to save him and bring him back to normal life...

She will miss him, yes, their story does not end like the lovers from teen love movies where the bad guy falls in love with the good girl and they end up being happy together, the story of Edmund Wright and Joanna Morris is very different, it is unlike the others... 

From the author:

Hello everyone, my good people.  What do you think of this chapter? What do you think of everything that's going on?

Are you upset?

Well, as we have already realized, the story is slowly coming to an end, I think everything is already clear here.

So write your opinion soon in the comments. ❤❤❤

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