Chapter 31. "You're My Toy."

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The difference between adults and children is the cost of their toys.

Robert Frost

The Next Day...

On behalf of Joanna:

That fateful day had arrived... Now I had my makeup artist and stylist doing my hair, and my dress was ready. It was sent to me by my "husband-to-be", it was white silk fabric, floor-length, down to the figure, there was a rather long slit at the leg, a corset at the waist, the sleeves were made of lace, and there was a deep cleavage... to his order, he asked me not to gather my hair but to do a light wave, and my makeup was delicate. I am his own thing now, and he does with me as he pleases...

According to his father, no one will be there, we'll be celebrating out of town, and a couple of Edmund's friends will be there, and someone else... no one from my side will come, I thought, until my mom decided at the last second to invite Aunt Leah, and Uncle Frank, and I wanted to ask my mom why she invited them, but I thought it was better not to...

I tried to tune myself out and not think about anything, but I couldn't... I knew Edmund wasn't the man he said he was...

- Honey, are you ready yet? - My mother came into my bedroom.

- Yes, just a little bit, that's all.

- You look impeccable. - She said and kissed me...


On behalf of Edmund:

Earlier in the day...

I got home and met up with Sean, who had already stolen a couple of bottles of expensive rum from my bar.

- Did you start drinking again? - I walked up to him and took the half-empty bottle.

- I don't feel well... - he sat down on the sofa and threw his head back.

- What's the matter?

- I love you Ed, that's what happened.

- I know, is that why you called me?

- No, I wanted to talk. Sit down.

- I'm listening. I sat down across from him.

- Sandra told me that you're getting married. Is it true?

- Where'd she get that from?

- Stacy told me.

- It started, she overheard us talking. - I said and clenched my fist.

- Is it true, Edie?

- Yes, it's true. My father's decision is my law.

- What the fuck? - He slammed down on the table," Are you really saying that right now?

- Did I promise you something?

- What does that have to do with anything? We're friends first and foremost Ed and you keep it from me, why do I get the news that you're getting married through a third party? And not from you?

- Because this wedding is part of the deal...

- How do you understand that?

- My father signed a contract with a family and plus with that contract he decided to take their daughter and marry me to her.

- You're not in love with her?

- No. I'm leaning against the back of the couch.

- Then why are you doing this? This is the twenty-first century.

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