Chapter 78. "Reality?"

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When I wake up, I have to convince myself that my dreams are not reality, and my reality is not a dream.

Cecilia Ahern.
"I love your memories."

- Joanna! Joanna! - I heard someone calling my name in the distance, but I couldn't wake up...

I take a sharp breath and open my eyes.

- Where am I?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

- You're safe, Jo. You fainted... - Tony came up to me and handed me a glass of cold water...

- My head hurts so bad... - I said and took a sip of water.

- We called a doctor and he examined you and told us to go tomorrow and take some tests...

- Where is everybody?

- They're downstairs at the table, chatting. - He sat down across from me.

- And Edmund?

- The ceremony, unfortunately, went on without you...

- No, Tony! - I started crying, it couldn't have happened.

- We couldn't have done otherwise, you were sick, you took a long time to recover, do you think we could have stopped the process?

- But I didn't even say goodbye to him...

- Daniel and Sandra came in at the end and Stacey never came at all.

- What happened to her?

- I have no idea, she never answered her phone.

- Knock, knock, can I see you? - Viviana asked.

- Yes, of course, come in. - Tony got up and gave her room.

- How are you feeling?

- I'm fine now...

- We're sorry we had to finish without you, but there wasn't time.

- You can't change anything.

- We want to get together tonight to honor Ed, will you come?

- I don't know... - I answered Vivi and could barely hold back my tears.

- Okay, I won't be a nuisance, if anything I'm downstairs. - She said and walked out.

- Toni you can go too... - I said and turned away.

The guy didn't say anything back and just walked away...

Tears streamed down my cheeks, I felt terrible, how could they do this to me? Did I deserve that?

But on the other hand, I still couldn't admit to myself that Ed was dead, that he was gone, that all those meetings had been made up? Had I stooped to that level? I made it all up for what?

I wanted to bang my head against the wall, because I began to open my eyes and realize that everything around me was a fog, Ed was gone, and so was our love...

I was left alone again, again not wanted by anyone, again depressed and stressed...

I fell asleep, the dream was beautiful, I saw Ed...

- Ed, I miss you! - I cried, - Please come back!

- I never left, little birdie. - He came up to me and hugged me, - I'll always be there for you...

- Ed, I can't be without you, please don't leave me!

- Don't cry, everything will be alright! - He said, and then I woke up abruptly.

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