Chapter 70 (Lexi)

Start from the beginning

I slid my legs off his shoulders after he pulled his fingers out of me and pulled him up to lay on top of me. "That was amazing" I was sure to let him know. He was smirking that troublemaker's smirk I first met him with.

"Let me suck your cock. Let me do the same for you" I reached down to see if he was hard. God was he hard. He was straining against the fabric of his jeans. "Fuck yes, come here baby," Anthony flipped around and was unzipping himself already. Anxious for my mouth on him.

He pulled his thick length out of his pants and watched me drop in front of him, enough to lean over his lap and take him. I thrashed my tongue against his swollen head and got it nice and wet. He already groaned in satisfaction and I had barely even started.

Slowly I started to fill my mouth full of him. I glided my tongue on his sensitive underside and let the tip run over the silk of my throat. He quickly fisted the edge of the seat.

I started sucking his cock hard and fast, letting it get messy before I slowed it down and swiveled and teased over the top. I swallowed him down and his head fell back. When I slurped him and gagged myself he hissed, palming the back of my head and rubbing, moving my hair all around as he rubbed my head with encouragement.

"You're so good at this" he verbally praised me along with it.

"Just like that. Fuck- good, my pretty girl- just like that" he groaned and bucked his hips like he was so close to the edge. "I wanna cum down your throat so badly, but I also wanna fuck you into this seat. I can't decide" he hissed towards the end when I choked myself on his cock again, pulling him almost all the way out just to suckle on the head of him.

"Oh, feels too good. Don't let me get greedy" it almost sounded like a moan in the middle and I was instantly turned on again. More than I already am, and after two orgasms at that. I'm so insanely attracted to him. Is it always like this?

I glanced up at Anthony through my lashes with my mouth full of his cock and he groaned at the sight. My eyes told him I was gonna make him cum. He was enjoying it and I didn't wanna stop him. I just gripped his thigh and went for it. I bobbed my head and stroked my tongue, suckled, and gagged.

Anthony slapped his hand up against the roof of the car, and suddenly bucked his hips higher, he thrusted with my motions once then twice and I felt him explode. Releasing down my throat as he grunted his finish.

Anthony relaxed against the seat, but slid his hand behind my head after I removed him from my mouth. I was still hovering over his lap. His eyes were shut, head still tipped back, and he just sat there a moment.

"Thank you" he sighed. He tucked his cock into his pants and pulled me up into his lap. I found myself laying my head on his shoulder while his hand absentmindedly stroked my hair. It was nice until I heard Anthony sigh.

"This is ridiculous. We could just be having sex with other people" I could feel him shake his head from above me. "But we don't want to," I said almost under my breath. He paused, then admitted, "No...we don't want to."

Anthony's hand stopped moving against my head, which I wanted to protest because it felt so good. "Lexi, I feel I should be transparent with you...I did" he said. I didn't catch on to his meaning. "Huh?"

There was a long pause. I lifted my head up and my gut soured instantly at that expression he was wearing. He rubbed the back of his neck and looked away from me. "Hooked up with someone else" he clarified. My heart dropped.

I instantly slid off his lap and to the other side of the back seat, as far as I could get.

"What? And you- let me put my mouth on you" I wanted to gag. I suddenly had so much tightness in my chest I could feel the lingering bruise from the impact of the bullet that almost shattered me in two. This hurt worse.

"I wore a condom! We didn't do anything that would-" he couldn't spell it out. I didn't need him to. "God...was it Mia?" I don't know why I asked him that. He sputtered. "No! Not Mia. Forget Mia" he huffed. "I was with your brothers the other night and we went to Illusions and-" he started rambling then stopped himself.

"WAIT, with my brothers?! Fucking gross! You went to a sex club with my brothers! And hooked up with a girl. Not even a week ago! Fuck you, Anthony" I was suddenly furious. I spat at him and immediately went for the door handle.

"Lexi!" He called after me, clamoring to get out of the car, but he's larger than I am. "You're engaged to my cousin!" He called after me as I started bounding down the sidewalk. I flipped him off but never looked back. Then I heard heavy feet jogging up behind me.

"Lexi, stop" he said, using my arm to slow me down, but then he wrapped his arms around my middle so he was hugging me from behind. I was about to crush his foot and shove him off, but he started talking.

"I'm trying to stay away from you, Lex. But we hooked up today and I realized I should've been transparent with you first. But how can you be mad when we promised each other nothing...when you're engaged to Enzo" he placed his forehead on the back of my head. He held me tightly against him.

All I felt was this bubbling resent forming deep inside my gut, flickering up and up until my heart was on fire. "Yes...I'm the one engaged, and yet I'm the only one who hasn't been with someone else. Go figure" I slapped my hands at my sides.

"Lexi, I didn't mean to upset you. Come back to the car. We can sit and talk for a while" he offered to me. Fuck his nice boy act. He's out there fucking everyone just like any other guy is. Bad guy or not.

I could feel Anthony rub his face into my hair from behind me. No, no. We aren't playing this game. I thought this was a mutual longing for one another that kept us from craving other people, but that isn't the case if he's out there sticking it in other women. I won't play that game of -guy gets all the girls while the girl waits on the guy.

I stepped out of Anthony's hold. I felt the heat of his hand almost catching me to pull me back to him. I moved just out of his reach. "I'm gonna take a walk. Let's stop doing this little song and dance here and call what we did in your car the last of the standing ovations" I bowed out.

"Lexi! Come on, I'm not letting you walk. Especially with our enemies around, and just shitty New York people in general" he started to follow me again. When I stopped he stopped.

"Anthony. Go home" I deadpanned. I watched his jaw muscle tense and jump. His hair is tousled from the grip of my fingers through his hair when he was between my legs. His eyes can be so hazel sometimes they glow.

Even in casual wear he just looks good. High cheekbones make him handsome, his finesse makes him hot. Just like the day I met him. I thought that then too.

Even frustrated he still has the Rizzo smoothness to him. Hands palming the back of his head, flexing his arm muscles while he looks down on me trying to figure me out. Am I serious or am I protesting to make him chase me, he's wondering. He has a slightly wide stance, which makes him look like the man in control here.

"Lexi, get in the car" he said one last time. I didn't.

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