Chapter 55 (Lexi)

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         I couldn't stomach leaving him. I couldn't just run off to safety while I hear several fights being had from multiple places. I wish I had a God's eye view of what was happening because I was confused, terrified, and angry. I was overwhelmed. I can't just leave though. I won't.

I knew I couldn't shoot at Pepper without there being a large risk of me shooting Anthony by accident. When I tried to knock Pepper out he almost blew my head off. I felt it. The whoosh of air when the bullet whizzed past me. It was too close a call. I was still numb in the face with shock and panic.

        "Mia?! Mia?!" I heard Dom calling for his girl. I wasn't sure what was happening on his side of things. Did he get the guy? Is he safe? Can he help Anthony? Did he see the laundry bin stashed by the open faced closet? She's there.

I told her not to come out until Dom called for her, so I guess she listened. Then an image flashed in my mind. What if they were shooting carelessly and a bullet went into the bin? Mia could've been shot in the chaos of it all.

Lord knows I've heard so many gunshots today I lost track. I don't know who was shooting at who, but then the men rushed into the room I was hiding in, and I shot Pepper in the shoulder I think.

        I would've gone for the head if two men weren't both rushing at the same time. I realized they were rushing away from something, not towards me. But they tried to swipe for me when they realized I was right there. Probably to use as a shield.

Too bad I jumped back and he missed me. I whacked his buddy with the butt of my gun on the wrist and he was suddenly gone, running from Dom. Anthony stayed with Pepper. I had run out of the room so I was now by the front hall closet.

I can't leave him. Think Lexi.

        Suddenly there was a barreling sound like a bear charging through a hall. Nope. It was Pepper running at full force out of the room, with blood running down his face, and his nose hanging half off. I would've heaved at the sight of it if my fight or flight reaction didn't tell me to quickly move away. 

All in the same moment I saw Pepper raise his gun. The big one that was strapped to his chest. I froze. Like a doe eyed deer caught in the headlights.

He was on one end of the front hall and I was on the other end of it. His gun is pointed right at my chest. I'm not faster than a bullet. I can't run. So now what? Am I going to die? I remembered I still had a gun in my hand too, but if I lift it he'll shoot me for sure before I can get it up in time. 

I saw a body flash out the bedroom door and saw Anthony, head bloody, as he went to shoot at Pepper. He froze when he saw me frozen.

        "I'll kill her," Pepper shouted to get Anthony to stop. Anthony raised his gun anyway, and I remember in that split second thinking, no! Why would you do that? Then I heard the click. 

My head swiveled, as did Peppers. He was stunned, and so was I. I'd flinched for anticipation of the impact. It didn't come. When Pepper looked down there was no clip in his big gun. Anthony held it up in his hand. He disarmed the gun without Pepper noticing. Holy shit. 

I was seconds away from being blown to bits and all I got was the click of an empty gun. Holy shit. My body was buzzing. 

And then I saw Pepper give it his all, swinging his arm up wildly. Something else in his other hand. He knew he had lost, and he wanted to go out with a bang. Literally. Pepper shouted like a madman and two gunshots went off.

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