Chapter 77 (Anthony)

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I was at a local pub with Georgie and another Romano. We had a few drinks and talked shit like we always do. Romano was glued to the phone placing sports bets. "You're gonna be fucking broke. You suck so bad at gambling" I shoved him when I saw what he was doing. "Everybody's got hobbies, alright?" He said. I laughed and shook my head.

    "Hey, did you know your cousin's down the block eating dinner?" Georgie looked up at me. "Oh, no shit. Tell him we're here. Tell his ass to come down" I told him.

I didn't follow up on the invitation after I gave it though, and I went for a piss. By the time I was back the door to the pub was opening and in walks Enzo...and fucking Lexi.

I physically stopped in my tracks. Were those two hanging out? Georgie mentioned dinner. They were having dinner? Since when do they hang out like that? I mean, I know they're weddings coming. Faster and faster, every damn day that's closing in around all of us, but I mean...I just didn't know they were hanging out is all.

I smoothed myself over and released a long breath. Then I came back to the high top table my buddies were occupying. "There he is," Enzo stuck out a hand for us to give the bro's clap. Lexi looked uneasy.

"Hey Lex" I nodded to her in acknowledgment, but kept Enzo between us. She nodded to me and to the other guys. Something is wrong. "Who's buying me a beer?" Enzo looked around the table then smacked Romano upside the head. "Yeah, alright, you slick bastard" Romano clapped his back and walked him to the bar.

Georgie is a good boy, so he quietly offered Lexi a drink as well. She peeked up at him from her phone, which she had in her hand. "Thank you, but I'm actually not staying," she told him. I couldn't stop myself. I stepped forward.

"Lexi, what's wrong? Is it me?" I asked her. Her eyes snapped up to mine and she sighed but shook her head no. "Just wanna go home" was all she said. I didn't feel right about it. She isn't very fond of me lately, but it didn't feel like it was me she had the problem with right now.

"Please tell me what it is. I can feel that you're upset and it's bothering me" I turned my back to Goregie to effectively cut her and I off from the table. Lexi's eyes wandered past me to something else, then back at me again.

"What's wrong?" I asked one last time. Then she laughed. I knew that wasn't a good thing.

"What's wrong? Hm? I was sold off to the Italian mob. I am marrying a complete dickwad of a person, I have to see my ex fling every damn place I turn, uh, gee, I don't know Rizzo...what could be wrong?" She gave me a heavy attitude. I saw right it though. "What'd he do?" I knew it was Enzo's fault. That's what's wrong.

"Nothing, we just don't see eye to eye" was all she said about it. That was irking me. I just wanted her to tell me straight up.

"Then why are you two hanging out?" I let slip. I didn't mean to sound jealous. I'm not jealous. I just wanted to know because it didn't make sense. Lexi looked down at her phone and I realized she was ordering a car service to pick her up. I palmed her phone.

"Hey, no. If you wanna go I'll drive you myself. I've only had a couple beers" I told her. Again Lexi's eyes looked past me at something else. When I turned over my shoulder I saw Enzo giving us a look. I couldn't decipher it.

"Come on" I waved for Lexi to come with me. I'd rather leave with her anyway.

"I don't think your cousin would like that" she made a comment that perked my ears up. Is she being petty or did I stumble into something? The awkward tension, Lexi upset at Enzo, Enzo giving me looks. "Did he say something about us?" I asked louder than I meant to.

Roses & RuinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora