Chapter 66 (Anthony)

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         Dinner at the Petrov residence was torture. Not only were things tense with Andrei after what transpired with him and Dom, but I wasn't sure if I was walking in on an ambush in Russian retaliation for what happened. I figured Andrei would tell his father and brother, but either they're really good actors or Andrei didn't tell them.

So not only was I stressed and hypervigilant, but they would not shut the fuck up about Enzo and Lexi. Just on and on and on about diamonds, weddings, and fucking babies. 

I mean christ! Lexi's only 20 years old. There's still so much for her to experience before all that. You're supposed to spend your 20's trying to figure yourself out as a person. It's a time of exploration and adventure. She could travel, she could focus on her career...she should go out and get irresponsibly drunk and laugh and dance, and kiss the wrong guys until she kisses the right guy. Until she Finds the right guy.

        I just kept knocking back the drinks at dinner. I should've started playing a drinking game by myself. Every time they mention the wedding, take a shot. Every time they mention Lexi and Enzo having children together, starting a family together, take a shot. Or shoot someone. Fun game.

The cigars didn't help any. The more I smoked the more buzzed I felt. I didn't realize it until I stood up to use the restroom and I felt all warm inside and my head went fuzzy. Andrei pointed out the bathroom for me, and I walked down the hall, but I wandered. 

And as fate likes to do to me, suddenly Lexi was in front of me.

        "Hey" she said quietly. She was coming out of a room. The bathroom? I don't know. "Hey yourself" I stupidly remarked. Self-cringe. I sound like a chump. I leaned into the doorway and rested my head on the frame. "That's the dress you wore on our first date" I whispered to her. She looked down at the black slip dress then me.

"Wow...I didn't think you'd remember that" she told me. Was it intentional? Her wearing that? Was it to remind me of that first night together? She doesn't have to try very hard. I think of it plenty all on my own.

I sighed and wagged my finger. "You wanna know a secret?" I asked her. I could feel my lids were lowering. She noticed I was drunk. That brought a curious smirk to her lips. Her perfect lips. With her hair up that way her neck is entirely exposed and calling for my mouth. 

"What?" She humored me.

        "You make me feel kinda dumb, like, I feel like I can't keep up with you in conversation because you just seem to know a lot of shit, and I feel bland in comparison. That's never happened to me before, but it makes me kinda self conscious" I heard myself admitting aloud before I could stop myself. Oh Rizzo no.

"I'm not that interesting" Lexi snorted. I shook my head until it felt fuzzy again. 

"No, you are. And smart. That's why I feel dumb because half the time I don't know what you're talking about, and honestly it's made me go and look some things up sometimes after our talks, and yeah, that's my secret" I snorted. 

There's no coming back from that embarrassment. Pathetic Rizzo. I know the regret sat heavily on my expression because Lexi nudged at me playfully to tell me it's alright.

        "Well, I don't know much about anything, but thanks for letting me know I can bullshit that I do," she deadpanned. She's funny. I chuckled. There was a long pause and I was about to get my ass into the bathroom before I said anything else. 

"Do you really google stuff after we talk?" Her question forced me to pause. "I'm sauced Lexi. I'm talking bull" I waved her off. Get into the bathroom Rizzo. Do not look at her.

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