Richard/Finn Drabble

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Uh spoilers for Bro You're My Only Fam. Finn has a nightmare about his traumatic times back at the training camp and panics at first at Richard's hug

Trigger Warnings for referenced past sexual abuse.

Finn covers his mouth and presses his knees to his chest, refusing to go through this again. He hates feeling like a piece of meat. He shuts his eyes tightly, maybe if he wished hard enough, the eyes would stop staring at him.

Other teletubbies who feel undesirable wouldn't be so ungrateful like you are.

He covers his ears as if that would make the mocking voices stop.

This could feel better if you'd stop thinking.

His eyes almost shot open when the voice sounded like Jim.


I suggest you don't scream or else your brother might find out that you're-

Finn refused to even listen to the word, hearing it was like being hit in the gut.

Being related to someone like you would damage his poor reputation and probably his ego. He'd rather choose something he can't even touch over a living breathing teletubby.

Stop it! Its not true!

That's what he wanted to believe, but the more he thought about it. The more he started to believe it.

The voices paused when he slightly heard his name. It was odd for all of them to fall silent. They only did that when he was with someone.

Terror overcame him when he realized someone was holding him against them.

Finn opens his eyes and screams.

"No!" He struggles and pushes against the unknown teletubby, despite knowing it was a pointless effort. "Break my limbs, torture me, just please don't do this again!"

He began to uncontrollably shake bile rose to his throat as he thought about the choking sensation, and when the taste formed in his mind. His weak body couldn't hold back the urge to vomit anymore.

The tele spins him around, toward the floor, but not dropping him.


Richard realizes he shouldn't have turned Finn so quickly like that, it made him throw up more.

He didn't know what caused him to fly into a panic like that. Finn of course has had panic attacks before, but never has he screamed like that nor plead to break his limbs.

Finn spits and gags bringing Richard out of his thoughts.


His second in command breathes heavily.

"I...I'm sorr...I'm sorry." His orange eyes dart towards the bathroom. "I'll...clean it, I'm sorry."

"What, no, its okay, its my floor-" The captain is interrupted by Finn's huff.

"Its my mess." The black teletubby once again tries to get out of the other's grasp, thankfully the panic has passed.

"My room."

Finn groans. "At least let me clean my face."

Richard loosens his grip, giving the shorter the freedom to the bathroom. While his boyfriend cleans himself up, he thinks back to the whole experience.

He obviously won't force Finn to talk, but the other's behavior is getting more intense and concerning. And he refuses to get therapy, Dutch refuses to repeat Finn's reasoning.

"I never want to hear him say that sentence ever again." Dutch grumbled, shivering a bit.

"Okay I'm done."

Richard blinks then shakes his head when he notices the floor cleaned up.

"I told you it was my floor."

Finn manages a tiny half smile with a shrug before sitting back on the bed.

Slendytubbies drabbles and oneshots-maybe (requests Open)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon