The Lake (Part of an AU)

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This is part of an AU where basically Laa-Laa has memory loss. ..I don't have a name for it. I can't accept criticism for how I write Laa-Laa because I no longer control her character. I made her so independent and stubborn she has decided to rebel against me and just did what she wanted.

Laa-Laa huffs before jumping onto the damp ground. She didn't want to just sit in a helicopter, everyone else already got off.

Her ears perk and curly tail wags when the helicopter finally started lowering to the ground. As fun the ride was, she's getting impatient from only sitting down.

Laa-Laa would have shot out from her seat like a bullet if Conor hadn't stopped her.

"Not you." He pushed her back into her seat.

"Come on Conor! I want to do something!" Because of the discovery of Laa-Laa being one of the main studies of the experiment she was in, Conor was given orders to make sure the yellow teletubby doesn't get herself killed.

The silver teletubby's monotone and calm appearance did interest Laa-Laa, but she was still annoyed she was being treated as if she was fragile. She could protect herself just fine.

(Admittedly if Laa-Laa didn't have the tendency to wander off, Conor wouldn't have gotten extra orders to take her with him when he can't be at the base. In the research papers Lenny discovered, he told her the scientists had to recapture her and mind wipe her because she wandered off into areas not part of the experiment.)

"Sitting here is doing something." Conor ignores her groan and slouching.

Laa-Laa squints, it was really storming here. She carefully moves, a weird feeling warning her danger was nearby.

She hears something growling nearby. It sounded like an animal but she also could tell it was a teletubby making the noise.

She reaches into her bag and pulls out the camera, Anne says it was one of the two items they found near her unconscious body.

The other one was currently on her head.

According to Lenny, its a low tech night vision camera. He wasn't very impressed by it but Laa-Laa thinks its interesting.

She'd jump now and again thinking she saw someone, but realized it would be a tree.

She spots something round and slowly advances. Laa-Laa is surprised to find an orange ball in an area where infected custard was located.

The yellow tele is surprised on how big it was.

And how familiar it smelt.

She tenses up when she hears the growl right behind her. She spins around to see a green monster towering over her. It bends its torso and began maybe sniffing the air.

She backs away, trying to decide if she should run or fight. Laa-Laa stares at its head, its antenna pointing up. Looking at it gave her a weird feeling.

Logic finally kicked in and told her to fucking run.

She puts away the camera and runs through the water, she had above average eyesight for a teletubby so she wasn't worried about running in the pitch black.

Laa-Laa tripped over herself a few times, but didn't look back. Only when she was running out of breath did she turn.


But she notices something at her shoes. She squints at it.

It was a blue bowl with a disgusting scent coming from it. It smelt obviously expired but she couldn't tell what color the stuff inside was.

This must be one of the infected custards.

The teletubby jumps hearing a deep roar and Conor yell out. She knew it was him because he had this weird ability to raise his voice but still sound monotone.

Laa-Laa runs with new energy, her heart racing from a mix of worry and excitement.

She sees the green monster from before approaching the fallen silver teletubby. He was rapidly trying to find his dropped sword in the darkness.

Laa-Laa pounces on the soaked thing's back, it jerks and she's surprised at the scales under her fingers.

She quickly grabs the sword fastened on her waist, and plunges it through its back.

It emits a scream that hurt Laa-Laa ears...and...

Her hands shake then lose feeling as they both fall. She pushes herself on her forearms and stares at the creature. It had somehow fallen on its side, crackling noises are coming from its probably broken television screen.

Once Laa-Laa's brain put together the picture that she had thrust the sword so hard that it stabbed its screen, she began to cry uncontrollably.

She didn't know why.

It was one to feel sad because the infection caused animal like behavior which involves killing urges.

But to burst out sobbing like this?

Laa-Laa grips the ground and forces herself onto her two legs, a gloved hand pushes on her shoulders. She stumbled a bit but her legs willingly walk back to the helicopter.

Thinking about the corpse made green flashes burn at her brain.

By the time she's thinking more clearly, her ears pick up the sound of Conor's angry slight scolding.

Despite her current emotional state, she groans. "Conor, I'm too tired for "I told you to stay put" yell at me tomorrow."

She wasn't lying, she right away fell unconscious after she said that.

The other soldiers looked away nervous upon hearing Conor's slow deep irritated sigh.

Slendytubbies drabbles and oneshots-maybe (requests Open)Where stories live. Discover now