She Didn't Wanna

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Po opened her eyes, she felt the rope still there, but wasn't suffocating this time. She begins desperately clawing at her neck.

What the hell is she doing?! Why couldn't she stop this idtioc action? She might harm herself getting free this way!

Po's startled when she falls onto the ground. She didn't get all the rope off though, she supposes she might get the rest of it off. But like before, she seemed to have no control.

Her stupid body instead just walks away. Where is she even going? Maybe she could try finding Tinky Winky.

"Po. There you are."

She internally cringes hearing the monotone robotic voice. Ugh, she did not want to see Noo Noo.

But to her frustration her body went towards him, she didn't wanna go to the bastard robot. She wanted to clench her fists, to punch him. But she did none of these things.

Instead she obediently followed him, it felt like someone was scraping their claws on a chalkboard, except that the board was right next to her ear.

Po didn't wanna.

She stared down at the white fluff thing with sharp things rising from her shoulder blades.

She didn't wanna.

She shrieks.

It hurt even more when her body changed again.

When the sharp pain from that weapon cut into her fur and flesh, she mentally thanked the sun god. She knew she probably would never see her probably scared best friend ever again, but she would rather die than obey Noo-Noo.

You guys can probably tell I really like Po & Tinky Winky angst.

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