Some drabbles

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Tinky Winky almost screamed upon seeing Po's tangled up mess of fur. A bunch of rats could live in it!

He pulls his brush out of his bag, "Po!"

Hearing his distressed tone, she turns.


She pouts, seeing the item, "That's not fair, Dipsy can have it but not me?"

The taller sits her on her chair, "I'll go look for Dipsy after I brush the tangles out."

She winces sharply, the bristles of the brush felt like claws. "Owww"

"Sorry, but you can prevent this in the future by brushing every day."

"You said something similar when announcer found 'cavities' in my teeth."

"Because it's important to take care of your teeth too."

Po felt like Tinky had been brushing her fur for years. Every ow would earn an apology and a gentle scolding.

"Alright, where's Dipsy?"

Po gestures outside, "Jogging somewhere."

Tinky Winky takes his bag and walks outside.

She begins laughing when Tinky Winky called Dipsy's name.

"What-OH FUCK NO KEEP THAT AWAY FROM ME!" Dipsy screams.

"DIPSY! Your fur is a mess!"


Guardian grumbles when it began to rain. His irritation rose when the water quickly began to soak his fur.

He turns with a glare hearing a muffled chuckle.

"Lenny it's not funny!"

"My apologies," Lenny said, but his quiet noises suggested he wasn't really sorry.

Guardian is surprised when he's lifted off the ground.

"Can't have you drowning into a puddle."

"Lenny that isn't possible and you know it!"

He just hums in response this time. They fall silent as Lenny carries him to his room so he can dry him off.

And Guardian is relieved upon being able to see again.


Guardian stopped to catch his breath.

"Geez, have you never got any exercise in your life?" Laa Laa rolled her eyes, she wasn't tired at all.

He's out of breath so he just nods.

She shakes her head with a sigh.

Guardian shakily moved forward and went into another heart race when something broke under him.

When he felt something cold rapidly soaking his clothes, he knew the ice had cracked. He claws desperately at the ice trying to get out.

The back of his hoodie is gripped and he's pulled out of the chilling water.

"You remind me of Tinky, very clumsy." Laa Laa shakes her head.

Guardian's fur had been protecting him from the chill air in the mountains, but the icy water made the protection useless.

Laa Laa's ears perk up upon hearing a soft noise, no, voice.

"Someone is nearby."

"Huh-" Guardian didn't hear anything but maybe that was because he was more focused on how cold he is now.

Despite his admiration of Laa Laa (and Dipsy) he's a bit still embarrassed when she manages to hoist him on her shoulder.

"You are way too slow, you'll slow us down if we need to run."

"What does it sound like?"

Laa Laa squints trying to spot anything that could be a threat.

"It sounded like a soft voice."

Slendytubbies drabbles and oneshots-maybe (requests Open)Where stories live. Discover now