Wake me up when I'm dead (Drabble)

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Finn smacked someone with a pillow upon feeling them trying to tug him out of bed.

"Finn, come on, you need to wake up."

The black tele huffed and simply covered his head with his pillow. "I'll wake up when I'm dead."

Richard grabs his shirt and easily pulls him out from under his covers.

Finn tiredly glares at him.

The captain then throws his camo outfit and jacket at him, leaving no room for argument.

The lieutenant trudges to the bathroom, angrily cursing under his breath on the way.

Ten minutes passed before Finn came out of his room, looking as tired as before.

"Alright, now to breakfast-"

Finn groans as if he's a young teenager instead of an adult.

"Finn, you will waste away if you do not eat." Richard drags him by his arm.

"Life is already a waste." The black tele grumbles.

In the cafeteria Finn picked at his food as he ate at a slow pace. But he did manage to even though the whole time he wanted to throw it up.

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