I'm Not Weak

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Laa-Laa knows she used to be weak and is the target of Noo-Noo's sexist 'jokes'. Hard to tell with his monotone voice. She hoped the cleaning robot would just grow out of it.

Maybe he would learn to be nicer.

But he remained as mean as ever.

The shadow would mock her for how weak she was for letting the robot hurt her friends. She used to fear the towering black huge tubby.

But now he was just an annoyance.

Laa-Laa promised herself she wouldn't be weak anymore. She'd get stronger, stand up to Noo-Noo more and would protect her friends from any harm.

Even if it meant holding her tears back and when she felt scared. The yellow teletubby couldn't make them worry about her. She has to be strong for them.

Laa-Laa sighs and places her hands on her hips. Her legs have been getting stronger so her ball had been getting stuck more. But she couldn't depend on Po every time this happened.

Just the thought of going to find Po opened the mocking words.

Are you so useless that you have to ask someone to get something down for you?

Laa-Laa looks behind her with a glare expecting the shadow to be there. But he wasn't.

Just think, you don't help with something like this. Look for a different way.


She grips the tree with her claws and presses her feet down to help with the ascent. Good thing the tree had no risk of cutting her feet.

Laa-Laa grins excitedly as she neared her big orange ball.

Alright, she's gripping the branches, now how to get the ball.


Then she remembers a phrase from one of Tinky Winky's books, 'use your head'. Maybe it didn't mean literally but that doesn't matter.

Laa-Laa hits the ball with her head and antenna as hard as she could. She smiles as it flies off and rolls down the hill.

She's not worried since that ball is very durable. Laa-Laa slowly climbs back down.

The tele runs after her favorite item giggling. She did it! All by herself!

She was proud of herself for not needing help. Cheese, she could make climbing things a useful skill.

Laa-Laa would never be weak ever again.

Just wait until that dumb shadow sees how useful and strong she'll be.

Slendytubbies drabbles and oneshots-maybe (requests Open)Where stories live. Discover now