29: So, We're Basically Doomed

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"Something's happening." Dustin muttered in a sing-song like tone as we ran through the woods. The sun set a few minutes ago so giving the town wide curfew that we hoped everyone but us was following, it was easy to move.

"Dustin? Can you slow down? Dustin?! Beatrice get back here!" I heard Eddie call after us. The two of us ran ahead of the group following our compasses occasionally laughing at how well this was going.

"We're almost to the water, just relax." I said glanced over my shoulder but my pace didn't slow. We were so close to ending things once an for all. I had a good feeling about this, the fight was almost over.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Watch your step." Eddie exclaimed quickly grabbing both of our arms when we almost walked straight into the water.

"Oh man, you gotta be shitting me." Steve sighed grabbed my wrist to check my compass. North seemed to be the middle of the lake.

"I don't believe it. The kid was right." Eddie muttered amazed

"Hey, don't sound so surprised." I scoffed, gently shoving him causing him to almost fall into Steve.

"So now what?" Max asked

"Well, if Bee's right-"

"Which she clearly is." Dustin interjected

"-Then there's a gate in the exact spot Patrick was killed." Nancy said finishing her sentence while glaring at Dustin for interrupting her.

"Which was right in the middle of the lake." Eddie an I spoke in unison before leading everyone to where he hid the boat.

He and Steve both made quick work of putting back into the water before Robin stepped in it, followed by Eddie and Nancy.

"Hey, hey, hey. You try to sink us? Okay, this thing holds like three people, tops." Eddie said when Dustin tried to get on the boat.

"It's better this way, okay? You guys stay here with Max. Keep an eye out for trouble." Nancy instructed which didn't bother me at all. I had no interest in getting back in this lake for a long time.

"You keep an eye out." Dustin argued causing Nancy and Eddie to both look at him in shock.

"It's my girlfriend's theory! If anyone should be getting on that boat it's us." He protested

"I don't want to get in the boat, Dusty." I mumbled and he looked at me for a second before looking back at the older members of the group.

"See, she doesn't even want to get on the boat and you heard Nance." Robin pointed out.

"Who put her in change?" He asked almost sounding offended

"I did." Robin replied

"Compass." Nancy said hold her hand out and I gave her mine while looking at Dustin with a shrug.

"Hey. Here you go." Steve muttered tossing Dustin his bag before pushing the boat into the water and climbing in it.

"You said three!" Dustin exclaimed only for Steve to whisper a small 'sorry' in response as Robin and Eddie rowed the boat further and further away.

"Bedtime at nine, kiddos." Robin called out before standing up to wave at us while I share a look with Lucas.

"Miss you already!" She added as Dustin pulled to pairs of binoculars out of his bag and handed one to Lucas.

"So...if there is a gate. What then?" Max asked me in a whisper. I thought for a moment because we didn't really have a plan, just a goal with no idea how to accomplish it.

That Girl Is Crazy (re-write)Where stories live. Discover now