01: Leaving Ohio

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Beatrice's POV
September 1984

I pulled into the driveway, parking my bike near the side of the house with a heavy sigh

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I pulled into the driveway, parking my bike near the side of the house with a heavy sigh. I hated school, if it wasn't an unreasonable amount of pop quizzes, it was my classmates. They were cruel and always have been, making fun of me for the stupidest things. And if it wasn't my nonexistent social life weighing me down it was Anne.

The thing with Anne is, she's not really my mother and she loves to make sure that I know that. She's an evil woman most days, unless Stuart was in town. Stuart is Anne's husband, she married him for money and status and all that comes with it. Stuart is some kind of scientist who studies human behavior or something. I'd gone to work with him a bunch as a kid but after my little brother came around a few years back, I stopped going.

Once my bike was off I hopped off of it and made my way towards the door. I quickly noticed Anne standing on the porch with a coffee mug in her hand and a scowl on her face.

"Where's your brother?" She asked sternly, the slurring of her words let me know that there wasn't coffee in the mug as I looked at her confused.

"He got out of school like an hour ago. Is he not here?" I asked worried but she scoffed in response and I sighed.

"You were supposed to pick him up. My car is in the shop, I told you that this morning!" She sneered an I sighed running my hand through my hair not having the energy to argue. I knew she didn't tell me this morning because she was just coming off another three day binge when we left. She probably didn't know where she was until around noon, but like I said I don't have the energy to argue with her. Arguing with her always ended in something physical so I'd rather just go get Nicky before it got to that point.

"Alright, alright. I'll go get him." I muttered going to the garage to find Nicky's helmet.

"Don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you! You will respect me!" She screamed as she followed after me an I nodded my head but I wasn't really listening to her. She liked to yell, we got noise complaints from the neighbors all the time but Anne never seemed to care. Being the center of attention, good or bad was always her thing.

I walked over to the shelves and moved a few boxes full of empty beer cans an alcohol bottles. She liked to think if she hid them in the garage, no one would know she's an alcoholic but the whole town knew. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole state of Ohio knew. I quickly grabbed Nicky's helmet so I could go get him before the school called the cops again. Last time the sheriff picked Nicky up he told me that if it happened again they'd call CPS and take him away.

If they took Nicky, they'd probably take me too and we'd be separated. How Anne was even allowed to adopt two kids is beyond me. All I know is my mom lives somewhere in Indiana, or at least I think she does. I'm not real sure on the specifics of the situation but I know that's where I'm from and Stuart brought me home with him one day when I was 6.

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