27: Bones Shouldn't Break Like That

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"Do you want the weed or not, Eddie?" I sighed holding the small mint container that had three blunts in it.

"No! I want you to tell me where you got it first. I don't want you smoking this shit." He repeated

"Fine fine, I got it from Jonathan's room before I left. I don't know why I took it, it's not like I smoke. To be honest I probably would have given it to Steve or something." It wasn't a total lie but it wasn't exactly the truth either. I've stolen weed from Jonathan and Argyle over a dozen times in the past 9ish months. It helped me sleep, or at least slowed my mind down enough for me to rest my eyes.

"And where did you're brother get it? I didn't know Byers was the smoking type." He asked confused and I shrugged. I couldn't really say for sure when Jonathan started smoking, it just happened one day and it hasn't stopped. I didn't mind it, it didn't effect me in anyway and it also meant there was always weed in the house.

"I guess after seeing all the shit we've seen. It eats away at a person after awhile. At some point you have to be surprised most of us are still standing." I laughed attempting to make it sound like a joke but I knew he could tell that it wasn't.

"Shit man. This is fucking crazy." He muttered holding up one of the blunts and I lit it for him.

"Yeah, I know and it's only gonna get worse from here until we find Venca." I sighed

"You know, Dustin's been bragging all year about this badass girlfriend he has, who could apparently kick all our asses in D&D and she's in a band. It was to good to be true, man." Eddie laughed and I smiled

"Well Munson, I have actually kicked your ass in D&D a total of 3 times as I recall and I am in a band. A rock band to be specific. But I wouldn't consider myself a badass by any means." I shrugged causing him to scoff

"Bee, you literally have super powers. I think that makes you a badass, at least in my book anyway." He argued with a laugh.

"If you say so. I used to hate them, I couldn't control them when I was back in Ohio. The kids at school, they treated me like I was...like a, um." I paused trying to find the right word to use.

"A freak?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"Yeah. Even the woman the 'raised' me hated me. Everything I ever did was wrong in her eyes for as long as I can remember. Then I got here and it took a while for me to like my powers. It helps that everyone here thinks they're cool. I considered them to be a curse or something." I explained with a bitter laugh while moving to lay down in the boat as he did the same. I never talked to anyone the way I talked to Eddie, I always felt like they wouldn't understand. But Eddie did, he always understood.

"Is that why you got so mad last summer, after the Billy thing?"
He asked an I nodded looking up at the cluttered ceiling. Between the spider webs and the fishing items that haphazardly hung from the rafters I was surprised nothing was falling on us.

"I just don't think you're a freak Eddie. I never have. You aren't some kind of lab experiment like my sister an I, you're just a guy who likes D&D and metal music. I'm literally fireproof." I mumbled not taking my eyes away from the ceiling. It was quite for a moment as he finished his blunt, putting it out before he tossed it somewhere.

"I guess I might have missed judged you a bit, that's on me...So, how's California? If you're in a band you must have friends then right?" He asked trying to make conversation

"A few, yeah. Uh it's really just my bandmates. When you break the Captain of the football team's nose on the first day of school not everyone wants to be your friend."  I hummed. I was still sort of on the fence on whether or not I truly considered my bandmates friends, I mean it's not like the friends I have here. They don't want to talk about things I like and they only really want to be around when I have something to offer. So I guess they really weren't my friends?

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