03. New Developments

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I stood beside Dustin and Lucas as we watched  Joyce walk Will to her car.

"Okay, that totally freaked me out. Did that not freak you guys out?" The girl who I now knew to be Max asked but no one responded to her.

"Two episodes in two days." Lucas sighed.

"It's getting worse." Mike pointed out.

"You think it's True Sight?" Lucas asked him.

"What's True Sight?" Max asked confused as Joyce started to drive away.

"It's nothing." Lucas muttered and she looked at me.

"Don't look at me. I'm just as confused as you are." I mumbled glancing down at Nicky who was silently holding my hand as he watched Joyce drive away.

"We need to talk." Mike said turning to look at me.

"Yeah, we do." I muttered.


A few hours later

I was currently pacing in the Wheeler's basement as Nicky sat in the couch eating a candy bar he got from Dustin and the other boys where sitting around the table.

"Okay so you have super powers?" Dustin asked breaking the silence.

"You already asked me that." I muttered looking over at him for a moment as I crossed my arms and started chewing on my left thumb nail.

"What's up with that Max girl? Why isn't she here? I mean she saw what happened in the field, aren't you worried she'll tell someone?" I asked an everyone looked at Mike.

"She isn't apart of this. She's not our friend." He argued.

"No, she's not your friend. I think she's totally cool." Dustin point out and Mike rolled his eyes.

"Can we just focus please?" Mike asked in an attempt to get the focus of the conversation off of him.

"What is there to talk about if we don't know anything? We have bits and pieces of a situation and without Will's account we can't really move forward here." I muttered with a heavy sigh.

"Who are you again?" Mike asked looking over at me.

"I told you. My name is Beatrice an I'm in town to find my biological mother. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Now if you guys don't want my help that's fine but I'm just saying...whatever that was, whatever is going on with Will. It's dangerous stuff and you all need to prepare yourselves for what's coming. Because it's not going to stop."

"Whatever just...just meet us at the school tomorrow at the same time okay?" Lucas asked an I nodded walking over to pick Nicky up.

"Same time tomorrow." I agreed before leaving.


The Next Day

The Next Day

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