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Hello Readers and Followers!
Just a personal update/request for everyone.

I am losing more and more motivation to write my books by the day and it's largely due to the lack or comments and feedback.

Not to sound ungrateful as an author or anything but the votes and reads just start to look like meaningless numbers after awhile. Like I'm extremely thrilled that people are reading my books but when no one is commenting on them it starts to feel like I'm writing to a void.

And of course, things like this happen to writers everywhere. You lose your motivation because it seems like no one likes your work. It happens all the time, especially in fanfics where writers will completely stop writing due to lack of feedback.

Because from our perspective, we work for hours on books and then sure people read them, they may vote on a chapter or two. But no one ever comments.

The read count is great but I can't see who's reading my work, who's to say it isn't someone just repeatedly opening and closing chapters. And votes are wonderful but who's to say people aren't voting just to remind themselves they already read the book? I don't know, people vote for all kinds or reasons. The point I'm trying to make is, after awhile without the comments everything just turns into numbers that don't really mean anything.

With that being said there's a number of books that I have completely lost the motivation for and, if I'm being honest I probably won't finish them. With that being said I still do not give anyone permission to take and repost my work.

List of currently discontinued books:
[If I continue these books it will be 100% of my choice so please don't try to guilt me into finishing them]

•The Green Phantom(MCU Book)
•Honey(Harry Potter Book)
•Junior Avengers(HP x MCU Book)
•Another Potter(HP Book)
•Behind The Scenes(Multi Fandom book)
•Another Reid(Criminal Minds Book)
•Always [Rewrite](MCU Book)
•The Heart of Gryffindor(HP book)
•The Heir (HP Book)
•Unknown Weapon (MCU Book)

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