Chapter 80. "The mask is off."

Start from the beginning


- Tony, Oscar came up to him, how are you?

- Not so good, as you can see.

- You've been sad all night, what's wrong?

- Nothing much, it's just an internal condition...

- What are your plans for life? - He leaned against the railing and took a sip of Bourbon.

- I'm going back to San Francisco, Oswald told me I'm going to take Edmund's place in his office...

- You must be glad?

- No, not at all, no... I didn't mean for it to happen this way...

- But, still, you were "jealous" a little of Edie and his success, weren't you?

- Yes, but, he's my brother, whom I loved very much and continue to love...

- Your life won't be the same, you know that, right? Money, success, lots of chicks, expensive cars, your old life won't be the same...

- I don't think I'm ready...

- Why not?

- Because I guess I still can't believe it happened this way...

- That's life, you can't change it, friend. Anyway, I'm always here for you, you can rely on me...

- Thank you, I am very glad that we found a common language with you. - They shook hands and then "Dracula" came in

- Non riesci a trovare una sigaretta? **** - He asked

- Are you speaking Italian again? - Said Oscar, - I know you speak English!

- I just wanted to ask for a cigarette? - Dracula added.

- Sorry bro, we don't smoke... - replied Tony.

- I'm sorry... - Said Dracula and left.

- He's such a weird guy... - said Oscar.

- And what are you going to do?

- The usual, brothels, lots of new merchandise and giving your customers pleasure...

- Do you really like what you do?

- It's my bread, Tony... I do terrible things, but I'm used to it, I can't imagine my life any other way...

- I see... ok, we have to go, the plane is early tomorrow...

- Come on, Tony, let's go get the others...


On behalf of daniel:

I tried to find Joanna everywhere and as soon as I saw her I ran up to her...

- Jo, we need to talk! - I grabbed her by the arm and dragged her to the veranda. - I'm so sorry. I really acted like a jerk! But, I want to make it right, I want us to try it all over again, let's go away together to New York, it's a different life there, I'll show you the whole world! Do you hear me! - Said I and then she takes off her mask, and on Stacey's days...

- How weak and humiliated you men are... ...can some Joanna really control you? What do you all see in her? - She got mad.

- Stacy! What the hell are you doing in a Joanna costume?

- Why are you scared? Maybe I killed her... - she laughed.

- Where's Johanna? - I grabbed her by the shoulders.

- I have no idea, V had two identical costumes, I had to wear the same one as Joanna...

- Are you sure you haven't seen her?

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