Chapter 58 (Anthony)

Start from the beginning

He also doesn't seem all that brave. He's been whimpering since he's gotten here, asking for mercy and swearing he'll tell us anything we wanna know. Andrei isn't interested in the technical side of things. Marlo betrayed the Italians not the Russians. He just wants to play hands on.

"Please...please, I was just meant to look the other way. I meant no harm to anyone. I've got a sick mother! Hungry children, lots of them. I just needed the influx in cash. Please" Marlo Spinelli started his spiel all over again. He's been repeating himself.

Andrei walked calmly over to Marlo. He walked right in front of the man and Marlo fought against the chains to get as far back from him as his outstretched body would allow. Which wasn't far.

I watched Andrei dip his head to meet the guardsman's eye line.

"If you didn't have enough money for all the kids your wife was squating out, why didn't you cover your dirty shrimp dick then? One less mouth to feed. Don't you think?" He asked him. Andrei has the talent to sound deep voiced, terrifying, condescending, and smug all at the same time. It's the arrogance he carries, maybe. I haven't nailed it down yet.

The man turned his head away with no response.

Andrei took two fingers and placed them under Marlo's chin to tip his head back in his direction. Marlo's breathing got heavier with nerves. Andrei kept his fingers there and leaned down again so they were face to face.

"Marlin, I don't give a fuck why you betrayed the Italians. I really don't, but were you aware that there was also a Russian girl in that safehouse? Aleksandra Petrov. Ever heard of her?" He asked evenly. I was going to correct him and say his name was Marlo not Marlin, but I honest to god don't think he gives a single fuck. It'd be a waste of breath.

"Now Marlin, that does make this little incident a Russian problem, which is why you have me to deal with now instead of these kind understanding gentlemen. So let's start here" Andrei said. Then BAM, suddenly Andrei was pulling something out of his back pocket and whacking the guardsman's knee.

I didn't even see the damn crowbar. I had no idea he had that. But he busted Marlo's kneecap good. The man screamed in pain.

"Go ahead and ask your question" Andrei waved to me instead of Dom. I looked between the two men and Dom looked annoyed that I'd be taking point, but I cleared my throat and took a step forward anyway.

"Who's idea was it to flip?" I asked him. Marlo was trembling and his eyes were darting round and round following Andrei's every move. "D-Darell's" he stuttered out. "Who the fuck is Darell?" I heard Dom spat behind me. I told him over my shoulder, "That's Pepper's real name."

Andrei took the tip of the crowbar and placed it on Marlo's shoulder. Marlo flinched and lifted his shoulders up to scrunch them close to his neck, trying to protect himself the only way he could without hands. That must be both frustrating and terrifying to be at someone's total mercy this way. Andrei slowly dragged the tip of the crowbar from one shoulder, around his neck, and to the other.

"Who are you working for? Who approached you specifically" I continued. Marlo dropped his head and sighed.

"Liam O Riley. He made so many promises. He swore we'd never face you guys. He swore we just had to grab whoever you guys stashed inside the safehouse. That he'd hand us off the cash and we could either leave town or just pretend we had nothing to do with it if you all didn't catch on...I thought you wouldn't...catch on" he said. Dom chuckled.

"You rat bastards. You think we're stupid?" Dom asked in his increasingly agitated voice. When he stepped forward Marlo blurted out, "Boss, please, show mercy. I know I fucked up. Pepper was blinded by revenge. I was just led down the wrong path is all. I meant no harm" he said.

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