The Shape X Reader (P2)

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"Laurie!" I called out, frightened out of my wits, screaming like a madman as I stumbled all the way down to the campfire, distressed. "Laurie!"

"My Goodness! (Y/N), calm down, here." Dwight reached out to me the first, immediately grabbing me by the shoulders and compelling me to sit, "She's not here. Come, sit here and take a deep breath."


"She keeps coming and going into the trials. Entity is showing her no mercy lately. She's a bloody mess now, who knows for how long she can keep up?"

"When? Dear Lord!" I yelled, putting my head in my hands yet again. I was not out of my misery, I was crying, I was desperate, and yet there was no end to it. Tears had stopped sprawling out of my eyes, my throat had nearly given up on its strength, my agility, my stability, all was faltering with every passing moment.

But I hadn't given up. I was drowning in the distress, I was crying, and I was going to do so till the very last moment.

"David!" I called out, bemoaning the loss of Kelly, "David..."

Without a single second, he spurned to his feet, holding my flailing arms reaching out to him, his eyes showing nothing apart from crippling sympathy.

"He took her away." I cried, "Kelly...Kelly's gone. David, I failed her, I failed everyone. The Shape took her, why am I still alive? Whom am I still living for?"

"Hold onto your faith, (Y/N)!" He insisted, "She's not dead. I refuse to believe so. She is still alive, if there is any fragment of some humanity that lives within Entity, then I believe that Kelly is still unharmed."

As much as I wanted to believe him, as desperate and disheartened my soul was, even in that itching eagerness, I failed to force my faith upon that. I shuddered violently as David firmly grasped my cold arms, urging me to keep my hopes high.

Truth, an abysmal truth kept on taunting me. Truth I couldn't run away from.

"Recover, look after yourself. When time will come, we'll confront him and retrieve little Kelly from him. I am certain he has held her captive in order to torment us further."

"I hope this is the truth. I wouldn't be able to proceed beyond this...And what's with Laurie?"

"Laurie has been fucking up every brute's life out there. Entity is definitely pissed off with her. It's giving her a hard time now. It's dead-set on making her lose her composure until she's no longer able to retaliate." Dwight informed, anxiously nibbling on his fingernails.

"I hardly doubt she'll ever stop."

"She's too tough to back away right in the heat of the moment." David asserted, readying his shards, "Besides, it's always fun to dispense some pain on those sturdy motherfuckers."

"I wish I had the strength to do that."

"You must. You got a reason to do that." David insisted, handing me a clean glass shard, "believe me, it's satisfying. Will keep your morale high."

I looked down at the sharp shard uncertainly. As much as I despised dying and losing every time, I was never able to muster up the courage to fight back. There was a burning desire in me to wreck hell upon them in return, for causing such misery to dawn upon us which was uncalled for.

And yet, a part of me ached at the thought of unleashing such monstrosity upon them. For the half of those beasts were suffering from their own ill-fates, that it dawned upon me that they didn't deserve it at all.

But did we?


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