The Huntress X (Child) Reader X Dwight

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Requested by LuaKitsune (0@0)


All Anna ever wanted was to be the mother, her mother was to her. But fate had the odds turning against her at every turn. She knew it, and she had accepted it, that with overwhelming push of woes, she was to soon break, and collapse under the pressure.

A child...

She didn't ask for the miseries, nor she wanted anything from the world except solitude, and a winsome presence to fill the gaping hollowness in her heart. A voice like that of the chattering of the crickets in the summer nights that filled the harrowing silence, a sense of belongingness that never let the heart sink in the void.

A child...that's all she wanted. That's all she needed.

She tried, she tried to keep them away, within the safe walls. She stole them from their beds, when they dreamt of distant surreal lands, of their mothers singing them to sweet sleep, when her callous hands ripped them away from their mother's cradle. She fought them, envious, how their arms resilient wrapped around them, possessive, adamant.

Their sheer will to claim their endangered kin filled her with agony. She sought them the way they did. She kept them hidden from the prying eyes, in the darkness she sought to nurture them. But they were children of light. They withered away, her dreams turning to dust.

As each one of them fell, so did her futile sanity. She raged, wailed, but even though she bemoaned the loss, she couldn't dare but understand what went down. Where did she go wrong? There was no answer to it, or maybe she never sought it.

Her cradle always felt empty. They didn't want her, the terror she struck in their fragile hearts as they heard her footsteps echoes outside the windows was enough to cause them to drift away from her lingering presence. She took one step towards embracing them, they took four to keep the distance. Her arms remained bare, unwelcomed by their loving warmth.

The rejection, the detest...left her craving for the shelter she sought in her mother's shadow. She chased it in their fears, in her envy, like a moth to the flame.

Anna ransacked countless lives, barged through every locked door, claimed every life regardless of their saintly deeds or instinctive rage, only to have what she could never have.

A child...

Empty...she felt empty. Dejected.


Dwight was fairly an easy target. He never learnt from his past mistakes, always running in straight line. If things were to be made easier, The Huntress was smart enough to predict which locker was occupied by the spectacled nerd. A lanky man with no instinctive athleticism, he always went down the first out of the four.

"Mercy, please!" He begged, clutching onto the fabric of her shirt. She sighed heavily, mercy wasn't a lesson she was oblivious to. She was taught was mercy was, and she knew who deserved it so.

She couldn't be hindered from her path with such petty excuses. However, she felt the need to stop pestering her. The man was obviously quite slow in the trial. He had not vaulted a single obstacle, was hunched over even when not injured.

Out of curiosity, Anna deliberately put the man down. He doubled up momentarily, however it didn't stop him from responding to his panic. He stumbled to the nearby locker, and shut the doors close tightly, loud enough for her to hear the echoes.

He was an oblivious fool. Although Anna would fetch him from the locker, this time, she chose to ignore the man. She was tired of chasing someone who kept dropping himself into the line of her sight like a gullible rat running right into the trap.

Dead By Daylight [OneShots]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz