The Shape X Reader (P1)

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Here comes the King of Slashers~ A tribute to all my scratched mirror Myers-Mains, ya'll dirty spooking sexy MFs, love you to death XD


"Aunt (Y/N), are you okay?" Kelly asked, for about a hundredth time in the moment. Her big, worried eyes didn't help either, my heart sunk deeper into my belly at her sight.

She wasn't too young, but not too old either. Big enough to understand what hell had dawned upon us, small enough for me to occasionally carry her around when her feet gave away and her heart got too weak to carry the stress. The stress of the beats she felt as her heart thudded against her small cage of ribs sent her either shaking in a dark corner, or running wild across the maps.

As usual, she was curled up in a ball, her head over my lap, her hands clutching the fabric of my dress. I was thankful to God, or Entity, or whatever the abysmal eldritch creature it was, that my little niece was spared the horrors of death and decay. Most of the time, the killers simply let her pass by. They would ignore her creeping past them by the walls, given that they felt no joy in harming a little kid who meant least to them.

Or maybe, a part of my conscious kept reminding me, that they indeed had a human heart in them that still wasn't corrupted by the malice, that they sought to solely ignore the child in order to shield her form the malignant forces that had dawned upon us all.

She was about to fall asleep yet again, when a whimpering, agonizing, pained moan caused us to jolt upright at the same time. I knew the voice, making me sigh in relief.

"Dear Lord! Laurie, come 'ere." I called out urgently, rushing by the lady who was visibly hunched over, clutching the side of her belly which was bleeding profusely.

"Shit!" She cursed under he breath, "Don't want to sound rude in front of the child but this shit hurts like hell!"

"You're not to blame, Laurie. Come, sit here. I'll patch it up before it becomes fatal."

Laurie was clearly not in her senses. She kept mumbling something unintelligible, then groaned a few times as I cleaned the gash and wrapped the bandages around. She had, however, clearly told Kelly to look away while I tended to her wounds, for Kelly was a jittery mess again.

"We get hurt when we play too rough, kid. Don't worry. Aunty Laurie fell off the slides." Laurie said in a perky voice, trying to conceal her pain as well as she could. I sighed at her exasperated attempt.

Kelly knew what had happened, but she was quite considerate for a hyperactive robust child. She chose to play along, letting Laurie savor some comfort she felt in the presence of a child. In the hellish place, her youthful, cheerful presence had brought some solace to hopeless survivors. Maybe it was her winsome charm that kept their faith alive.

And I was grateful for that.

Soon afterwards, Kelly had put her exhausted head down onto the warm ground and drifted off to sleep. She had kept herself awake for a long time, startled by even the eventual gusts of wind. For now, it seemed like she was in a deep sleep, for not even our chattering disturbed her.

"That was one hell of an ugly wound. Lucky you, it wasn't infected or things would have gotten bad." Laurie said, slightly touching her bandaged side.

"Not really as ugly as it could be." I informed, grabbing another med-kit, "Believe me, it was fine enough to be mended. A little deeper, and it would've required stitches. You were lucky enough to evade the weapon by a few centimeters."

"Well, I guess I can rub it in Michael's face then." She perked up, readying her shards for another probable round.


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