Leon X Reader

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It was quite frustrating to think of how life got worse each time you placed bets upon it. And it took turns in ways you could never expect, lest predict even if you tried to push your limits beyond the boundaries.

And it hurt you...It hurt you the way you never wanted to be.

But then, nobody likes to get hurt, do they?

You often wondered, if entity was that unseen force, that God everyone wanted to see, wanted to know. And it was merciless.

It had always been that way-the survival of the fittest. If the God they spoke of so much, the almighty force, which indeed it was, then what stand humans had in the world. It was corrupted already, it was pretty fucked up, beyond repair.

Nothing was fair, nothing was unfair. It was just the way it was, the way it was created.


"Get your ass back here!" Jill yelled at Meg as she pulled her down. The petite women was always full of energy, obviously she was an athlete, and you couldn't help but envy that she always escaped the grasps of the killer.

"Bruh." She muttered as she made an annoyed face. She wanted to help that Leon who was getting chased, and a chill rand down your spine the moment you thought of that.

"Cover up, cover up!" You whisper yelled to Meg as she nodded convulsively, trying to sneak away with you, only for a strong arm to hold you.

"Who's gonna do the gen, missy?" Jill sassed, only for her to be pushed away aggressively, causing her eyes to widen. Years of training and torment had made the police girl pretty hard, but it still took her off guard when people fought back, especially those she often underestimated.

And the woman, almost a girl, before her, was way frail looking than her. Heck she seemed meek by her tone. And yet, she was glaring at her as if she was about to put her on fire.

"It ain't only for you! You go ahead if you are so greedy for that gen, I got lives I care about!"

"Survival is our only priority here. You go wander around and admire all you want if you are that willing to rot on that hook behind you." She sneered with much venom that laced her tongue.

"Sure, do that gen if you are willing to die. Apparently the killer is coming this way." You could tell by the feeling. Spine Chill.

Her eyes softened at the mention as she looked around, only for her heart to skip the beats so fast she nearly flinched.

"How the fuck did I miss it?!" She grunted, before panicking enough to grab both of your arms and hid you behind a large rock.

The heart beat quickened, but you couldn't see the killer well. In distance, you saw Leon limp towards the killer shack, and a shadow creep behind the walls. A much larger shadow. You gulped down heavily, only for Meg to pat you.

Not him...

"You look like you saw a ghost." If there was something you totally despised about Jill, it was how she threw random lines in times it wasn't supposed to be done at. Or maybe you just didn't like dark humor at all.

A low malicious groan caught your attention. The Zombies.

They were coming over, but what could you do about it, you had never dealt with them, nor even Nemesis. Their sounds were a nightmare, they were dead. It was the voice of the dead, and it haunted you. It was so vile to listen to, you wanted to stay away from them.

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