The Nightmare X (Blind) Reader (P1)

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Your instincts, and your ears, were all you had to use to your avail. And that, at time, sucked.

You often wondered if it was right to be that frustrated or not, but you couldn't decide well. It was never like that to begin with at first place. Your hands and shoulders hurt a lot lately, considering you had been getting hooked a lot in trials.

Well, that is what happens when a blind person goes against a ravenous killer.

Anna was really nice about it all. She understood your misery and chose to purposefully miss her shots. However, even with that, you were clumsy enough to run right into her line of sight, cursing your ears. Rather than fleeing away from that, you ended up getting hit, making the Huntress feel bad, and rather perplexed.

Other times, you were useful to your teammates, even if it wasn't all the time. Your hearing allowed them to locate Wraith, Hillbilly, little Victor at times. Other than that, you were just a liability. With worsening situations, nearly all the survivors had decided to leave you on your own.

You were, for them, on the edge, about to fall on the other side.

The dreaded one...the void.

You were frail, weakened to the core, in body, in soul. At this point, you wondered if it was better to give up, and still, something in the back of your head would repeat after each time you thought of letting go, that same voice echoing, 'one more time' again, and again, and again.

You didn't mind them not helping you, which in turn seemed like a help itself. You would usually go out on your first hook, and even if you managed to unhook yourself, you would barely be tended to. Claudette and Kate were a few of hearty people who still felt pity for you, not to mention that one time Adam went out of his way to go against Bubba with NOED in the basement. Although you still failed, you were glad Adam didn't go down, it would be a shame otherwise.

At this point, you sat somewhere near the campfire, feeling the warmth of the fire. You were careful not to approach the fire, and so often, when you tried to, a tug at your collar would alert you, and if you dozed off, the same person beside you would pull you back, preventing from falling into the burning pit itself.

You didn't know who this person was, because the voice was new, and so was the smell. He obviously didn't stink, considering you hadn't taken a shower in a long time itself. He smelled somewhat dewy, like a little rabbit, or a big squirrel out in the fields on a rainy day. It was a somewhat pleasant smell, and voice belonged to that of a man, still a little high pitched.

One thing that got onto your nerves was the awkward smell of medicines, or maybe the anesthetics, that lingered around, and that obviously came from this person.

You didn't say much, but remained silent for the longest time.

Soon afterwards, the surrounding noises began to go silent. People were either going to sleep, or were pulled into those unfortunate trials. Kate was preparing for her own, pulling on boots, still somewhat struggling with the laces.

That was something you still managed to do well, so you reached out to help her, as she began to curse her unfortunate laces, feeling for her feet around.

"Oh Good Lord! (Y/N)!" She panicked, "Why you do that, Love?"

You held the laces, feeling for the holes, helping her, "I remember a few things from my childhood. I just enjoyed tying laces and ribbons for some reason."

"I wish you would have enjoyed repairing generators with same energy." Nea scoffed.

You weren't certain who did it, but someone hit Nea real hard she fell on the ground with a loud yell and thud, cursing at someone, who was obviously Bill.

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